Each set contains 15 questions with answers | each set 15 questions with answers | ||
Science & Nature 001 | In diving, what does the acronym 'scuba' stand for? | Science & Nature 055 | Which is the world’s fastest moving land mammal? |
Science & Nature 002 | An optical large telescope orbits the Earth at a height of 300 miles. After which astronomer is it named? |
Science & Nature 056 | At what temperature do the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales converge? |
Science & Nature 003 | What sort of device was a Lee-Enfield? | Science & Nature 057 | What name is given to the female swan? |
Science & Nature 004 | What is the lightest metal? | Science & Nature 058 | Dietary deficiency of vitamin C gives rise to which disease? |
Science & Nature 005 | Etymology is the study of what? | Science & Nature 059 | Pellagra is the disease caused by a dietary deficiency of which vitamin? |
Science & Nature 006 | What is the name of the unit that measures relative loudness? | Science & Nature 060 | Which vitamin is also produced in human skin on exposure to sunlight? |
Science & Nature 007 | Jupiter and Uranus are either side of which planet? | Science & Nature 061 | What is the name of the longest river in Europe? |
Science & Nature 008 | What is the name of the largest moon in the Solar System? | Science & Nature 062 | At what age is it current best practice to introduce solid foods to infants? |
Science & Nature 009 | What is the study of earthquakes called? | Science & Nature 063 | What is the world’s third largest desert? |
Science & Nature 010 | What is the science of very low temperatures called? | Science & Nature 064 | Which group of foods is acknowledged as being the best source of dietary calcium? |
Science & Nature 011 | The femur is another name for which bone? | Science & Nature 065 | What is the largest flower on earth? |
Science & Nature 012 | How many lines does an American television set use; 325, 525, 625 or 675? |
Science & Nature 066 | What is the common name of Quercus robur? |
Science & Nature 013 | The maxilla is another name for which bone? | Science & Nature 067 | What is measured in curies? |
Science & Nature 014 | What is the chemical symbol for sodium? | Science & Nature 068 | What disease is caused by malabsorption of vitamin B12? |
Science & Nature 015 | What is a male fox called? | Science & Nature 069 | What is an ungulate? |
Science & Nature 016 | How many bones does an adult human being have? | Science & Nature 070 | What is the appearance of a gibbous moon? |
Science & Nature 017 | What name is given to an angle of more than 180 degrees? | Science & Nature 071 | Aboard which ship did Charles Darwin travel from 1831–36? |
Science & Nature 018 | The Sun is largely composed of which two gases? | Science & Nature 072 | What type of fruit is a morello? |
Science & Nature 019 | Which has more bones in its neck, a giraffe or a mouse? | Science & Nature 073 | Which constellation is depicted as the Hunter? |
Science & Nature 020 | In what decade was the first photograph taken? | Science & Nature 074 | Which cereal disease can cause food poisoning and gangrene of the fingers if consumed? |
Science & Nature 021 | When was the planet Pluto discovered? | Science & Nature 075 | What is the common name of the flower Kniphofia? |
Science & Nature 022 | What took place in Alamogordo, Northern Mexico on 16 July 1945? |
Science & Nature 076 | What is the old name for the chemical element now called sulphur? |
Science & Nature 023 | Is a 'sea cucumber' a plant or an animal? | Science & Nature 077 | Which creature gives its name to a protein found in human blood? |
Science & Nature 024 | Which sand-burrowing amphibian is legally protected in Britain? | Science & Nature 078 | Which equine creature is particularly associated with the Shetland Isles? |
Science & Nature 025 | What is an LED? | Science & Nature 079 | What was first built by Enrico Fermi, an Italian-American physicist, in 1942? |
Science & Nature 026 | Which alloy consists of copper and tin and sometimes zinc and lead? |
Science & Nature 080 | What is the name of the longest river in Europe? |
Science & Nature 027 | How do pythons kill their prey? | Science & Nature 081 | What is the chemical symbol for Copper? |
Science & Nature 028 | Which British physicist discovered that an electric current could be made to flow in a wire, without a battery, by a magnet nearby? |
Science & Nature 082 | What is a John Dory? |
Science & Nature 029 | Where are rods and cones found together? | Science & Nature 083 | Who was responsible for the special theory of relativity? |
Science & Nature 030 | Who was the first woman in space? | Science & Nature 084 | What is The Lancet? |
Science & Nature 031 | The circumference of the Earth at the equator is approximately: (a) 30,000km (18,642 miles), (b) 40,000km (24,856 miles) or (c) 50,000km (31,069 miles)? |
Science & Nature 085 | How many different kinds of beetle are there: (a) 50,000, (b) 100,000 or (c) 250,000? |
Science & Nature 032 | What is another name for the rowan tree? | Science & Nature 086 | ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’ are expressions used in what kind of treatment? |
Science & Nature 033 | Which member of the crow family has the Latin name Pica pica? | Science & Nature 087 | What is a bandicoot? |
Science & Nature 034 | How many sides does a snowflake have? | Science & Nature 088 | What does ‘Eureka!’ mean? |
Science & Nature 035 | Where is the Prime Meridian? | Science & Nature 089 | Which ancient people invented paper? |
Science & Nature 036 | Which was the largest dinosaur? | Science & Nature 090 | A radio signal was sent across the Atlantic for the first time in which year? |
Science & Nature 037 | What is the brightest artificial light? | Science & Nature 091 | By what shorter name is deoxyribonucleic acid otherwise known? |
Science & Nature 038 | What are the colours of the rainbow? | Science & Nature 092 | What is agoraphobia? |
Science & Nature 039 | What name is given to the process by which the world's atmosphere is becoming continually warmer? |
Science & Nature 093 | What is the world’s tallest marsupial? |
Science & Nature 040 | There are two varieties of artichoke: one of them is the Jerusalem artichoke; name the other. |
Science & Nature 094 | The science and technology of nuclear studies is called what? |
Science & Nature 041 | What do astronomers call an exploding star? | Science & Nature 095 | What colour are the eggs of an emu? |
Science & Nature 042 | Which Swedish chemist invented dynamite? | Science & Nature 096 | Who has been called ‘the Father of Chemistry’? |
Science & Nature 043 | Where is the natural home of the world’s lemurs? | Science & Nature 097 | The pippistrelle is Britain’s smallest species of what? |
Science & Nature 044 | What is the name given to the wide expanse of coral located off the coast of Australia? | Science & Nature 098 | An expert in codes and ciphers would be called what? |
Science & Nature 045 | What is a rockhopper? | Science & Nature 099 | What was the Tin Lizzie, introduced in the USA in 1908? |
Science & Nature 046 | Snowy, tawny and barn are examples of which creatures? | Science & Nature 100 | Triton is the largest moon of which planet? |
Science & Nature 047 | Which condition usually affecting children is characterized by a harsh cough and difficulty in breathing? | Science & Nature 101 | The study and treatment of diseases of the mind is called what? |
Science & Nature 048 | Where is bile stored in the human body? | Science & Nature 102 | Linus Yale invented what device in 1865? |
Science & Nature 049 | What name is given to the fruit of the forest trees (like beech) which are used as fodder for pigs? | Science & Nature 103 | What is the national flower of India? |
Science & Nature 050 | Where in the human body is the pineal gland? | Science & Nature 104 | In which organ of the body is insulin produced? |
Science & Nature 051 | What stage in the life cycle of the butterfly follows the larva? | Science & Nature 105 | Hepatitis is inflammation of what? |
Science & Nature 052 | What is the common name of the star called Sirius? | Science & Nature 106 | In 1769 Nicholas-Joseph Cugnot built a tractor driven by what sort of power? |
Science & Nature 053 | Which Scottish physicist is credited with the invention of radar? | Science & Nature 107 | Which birds congregate in musters? |
Science & Nature 054 | What was the invention of the British scientist Joseph Swan? | Science & Nature 108 | Photophobia is (a) fear of light or (b) fear of being photographed? |
Science & Nature 109 | P is the chemical symbol for which element? | ||
Science & Nature 110 | What word is the opposite of convex? |
About these quizzes |
These quizzes are for general purpose as Quiz Night type quizzes and should not be mistaken for Exam questions, they are simply to use as general quizzes and can be used for relief lessons or quiz nights or as a general quick subject quiz for students.NOTE: most quizzes are being updated so this is a work in progress. I ran a quiz each week in the computer lab with one question per week pasted on the notice board, on Fridays at morning recess I would draw entries out of a bag (A4 Envelope) and for the correct answer a prize was given to the wining student (usually a Crunchie Bar).On Friday recess I then ran a quick 10min quiz on any topic and these became quite popular, so I have put together many quizzes over several years and from various quiz books that I purchased. Here are some of the quizzes, many starting around 1997-8 so some may now be slightly outdated but I am certain you can modify the questions to bring them up to date. |
Page created 27th March 2014
Page last updated 26th March 2020
© Peter J Faulks