

Stage 1


In these subjects I plan for 40 lessons per term based on 40 minute time frame per lesson, these commence with file creation and document preparation using Microsoft Word or Web Pages using Dreamweaver, then I progress to tutorial lessons and each week allow one lesson for revision, web quests or tests to allow students to either enhance their skills or catch up on missed work. I provide four assignments and plan these for the first three terms, with an additional revision or evaluation project or additional assessment in term 4 if it is or I feel it is required. If we use a handbook or manual this work will be undertaken during the free day.


AIT Stage 1 Tasks for Applied Information Technology 1a
00 AIT1a Cover Page Set up a cover page for presentation of a school or college task essay or report.
00 Class Files Set Up AIT1 Create a web site and create these folders inside the AIT1 Folder
Set 1a Used 2009
09 AIT1a Task 1 Travel Company You have been asked by management of Fly By Night Travel to prepare a report on the positive and negative impact of communications technologies on the business. In particular, you are required to investigate the communications hardware and software needed to facilitate the bookings, and the relevant legislation with regards to privacy. Make recommendations on how Fly By Night Travel can improve their policy in line with the legislation.
09 AIT1a Task 2 Design Online Presence Fly By Night has decided to create an online presence based on your research report (Task 1). They see that it is important to have an online presence as a means of contacting their customers, promoting their business and allowing online bookings.
09 AIT1a Task 3 Creating an online presence Using the recommendations presented to Fly By Night in (Task 2), develop a website that will allow them to have an online presence as a means of allowing customers to make bookings over the internet.
09 AIT1a Task 4 Database creation You have created a database data entry page to use as an online booking.
09 AIT1a Task 5 Holiday Brochure
  1. Many travel agencies produce colourful, eye catching brochures to advertise holiday destinations.  Using desktop publishing software, design a tri-fold brochure to promote a destination of your choice.
  2. Fly By Night would like you to design a sample for a brochure to promote their various destinations
Stage 1b
09 AIT1b Task 1 impact of the internet on society Investigate and report on the impact of web based media technology on our society over the last 20 years. Discuss the technology used, both past and present and consider future directions.
09 AIT1b Task 2 what makes a good presentation You are required to create a proposal for a flash presentation on some aspect of computer multimedia.
09 AIT1b Task 3 Create Your Presentation You submitted a project proposal as (task 2). Your proposal has been accepted and you now need to produce your presentation.
09 AIT1b Task 4 Equipping an office A company that produces commercial websites has expanded from one web author to a business employing 3 designers, a receptionist/secretary and a computer technician. You are required to investigate what new equipment they can obtain in today's market and what are the pros and cons of the options.
09 AIT1b Task 5 Report on ICT Future This Task is about working in-groups and developing the skills needed to work with others. It is important that each member of the group has clearly defined roles and responsibilities and that deadlines are written down and adhered to.
Stage 1a Set 3 Used 2010
10 AIT1a TASK 1 History Computers Investgate the History of Computer Systems. Research and record a brief account of this history via a timeline in an electronic format (Microsoft Movie Maker, Power Point or Flash).
10 AIT1a TASK 2 Computer Guide You have been asked to investigate and create a detailed Revision Guide Document (MS. Word) outlining ALL of the following information for home computer use to present to a group of parents interested in computing.
10 AIT1a TASK 3 Join The Club You have been asked to design and create an internet site “JOIN THE CLUB” enabling your organisation or club to share information, achievements, and events with others.
10 AIT1a TASK 4 Create Web Site You should have now have designed your info site (task 3) that you can update from home. You now need to create a web site to display your product on the World Wide Web.
Stage 1b
10 AIT1b TASK 1 Investigate ICT Issues Governing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) working from home
10 AIT1b TASK 2 Computer Systems Knowledge You have been asked to investigate and create a detailed Revision Guide Document (MS. Word) outlining ALL of the following information for home computer use to present to a group of parents interested in computing.
WKS104 ITC Concepts Power Point Q Skills e-folio production Students create an e-folio which will showcase their skills and knowledge in developing graphics and animations
see also concepts in lesson plan below WKS104 ITC Concepts Power Point S
This efolio takes up Tasks 3, 4 and 5  




Using the week by week template

Each week is broken into four lessons and for each lesson one or more sections will be used.

Notes: Explain what is being provided or required for that particular day.

Lessons: are where I show and tell and let the students follow instructions, give out information or explain topics to the class,

Tutorials: are where specific applications like Photoshop, Excel are used with exersizes within the tutorial for students to work through.

Worksheets: are the main documents specific to the course that students must complete and Web Quest are used as an adjunct to the Worksheets so that students can use the Internet to answer questions.

Tests or Exams: are put in regularly to see if students are up to date with the curriculum for the unit.

Homework: is given out each week with answers the following week, and continue for every week of the term and school holidays. NOTE: For AIT1 you may reduce the amount of homework (tests can be excluded) because they will complete all ICT homework again in AIT2 and AIT3

Tasks: are the Education specific tasks as set out for the course of study and are issued over the term usually as one or two tasks per term, or as part a in terms 1 and 2 and part b in terms 3 and 4


Sample Lesson Plan (possibly replaced by teacher iPad)

SAMPLE Week 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Notes Welcome to the unit expain the course Everything you need to know about computers Staring Task 1  
Lessons Classroom_rules about computers    

Setting Up Class Files

Setting up AIT Site

AIT Site Template

    Will depend on Task 1 requirements could be Photoshop, Excell, Access etc.
Worksheets WKS107 Computer Basics Quiz Q WKS107 Computer Basics Quiz Q continues WKS107 Computer Basics Quiz S  
Tests or Exams        
Homework Homework due HWT101_Computers Q   HWT101_Computers S (next week)


Discuss Task 1   Look at Task 1 and what needs to be completed  

If I have used different assignments they will appear in a separate box at the end of this page. this also applies to exams and revision exams.

In these classes I use Worksheets and Web Quests as the main source, many worksheets can be used across several ICT lessons so in some instances the students may have already undertaken the work in Cert II IT or Cert II Bus or in ICT classes like AIT

Worksheets explain the elements of the topic with questions and test sections for students to answer

Web Quests cover topics where students must find information on the Internet or in Resource material and answer all questions.

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Lessons for Applied Information Technology 1a &1b

Most of my lessons are really worksheets so that students can work their way through a lesson sheet and answer questions as they go. I support the process answering questions or resolving problems as required.

WKS000 Class Files Set Up How to set up a cover page Students create folders for tasks and marking folders and students will create a web site (This takes up 4 lessons) ADW 100 Dreamweaver your first site
WKS 100 Cover Page Set Up Students create layouts for task presentation and assignment submission  
LES140 Networks Explained Covers a comprehensive explanation of various networks and how the are used, A network consists of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resources
WKS105 Design Principles Explains the various principles of design including the old SPARC principles, students answer questions as they work through the document.  
WKS106 Working with Images All images displayed on a computer screen or printed from a printer are created using a series of dots or pixels. Explains various digital types  
WKS104 ITC Concepts Power Point Q This is a major task that can be use as a production task, it is a working document of student skills built up after lessons and worksheet exercises It should be used as an adjunct to a revision document that includes the student's physical production and research of most areas of ICT - The Power Point Master can be used as a teaching tool for ICT topics.

WKS104 ITC Concepts Power Point S

Concepts & Design Master (Powerpoint)

ICT, AIT & Multimedia

WKS108 Computer Input Devices The input components for a Computer WKS108 Computer Input Devices S
WKS109 Computer Output Devices The output components for a Computer WKS109 Computer Output Devices S
WKS114 Computer Terminology Quiz Write a brief description of each of the following computer terms Bytes, Bits, CPU WKS114 Computer Terminology Quiz S
WKS101 ITC Concepts Power Point Q   WKS101 ITC Concepts Power Point S
ERG100 Ergonomics Explained   ERG100 Ergonomics Explained S
ERG104 Ergonomics Poster   ERG104 Ergonomics Poster S
ERG105 Ergonomics Office Design ERG111 Anthropometrics Q ERG111 Anthropometrics S
ERG111 Anthropometrics Explained ERG110 Ergonomics Office ERG110 Ergonomics Office S

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Web Quests for Applied Information Technology 1a & b
WBQ100 Web Quest File Types Images WBQ100 Web Quest File Types Images S
WBQ101 Web Quest Design Principles WBQ101 Web Quest Design Principles S
WBQ103 Web Quest Computer Bits WBQ103 Web Quest Computer Bits S
WBQ104 Web Quest About the Internet WBQ104 Web Quest About the Internet S
WBQ105 Web Quest All about Colour WBQ105 Web Quest All about Colour S
WBQ106 Web Quest Audio Q WBQ106 Web Quest Audio S
WBQ108 Web Quest Digital Convergence WBQ108 Web Quest Digital Convergence S
WBQ110 Web quest intro to internet WBQ110 Web quest intro to internet S
WBQ114 Web Quest Networks WBQ114 Web Quest Networks S
WBQ116 Web Quest The Internet 20 Question WBQ116 Web Quest The Internet 20 Question S

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Tutorials for Applied Information Technology 1a & b
00 Microsoft Access 07 Tutorial MSA 102 Tutorial 2 - Creating tables in database MSA 103 Tutorial 3 - Editing, adding and deleting data in database
MSA 00 Introduction Access MSA 105 Tutorial 5 - Filtering data in database MSA 106 Tutorial 6 - Performing a query in database
ADW 100 Dreamweaver your first site ADW 101 Dreamweaver First Web Site ADW 102 Dreamweaver Enhancing Web Site
MXL000 Excel Introduction MXL000 Excel Introduction S MXL000 Excel Introduction
MXL001 Excel Enter text Gnomes MXL001 Excel Enter text Gnomes S MXL005 Excel Absolute Cells
MXL001 Excel Exercise 01 surname MXL002 Excel Exercise 02 surname MXL006 Excel Bodmas Formula
MWP 108 Internet Summary    

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Homework for ICT for Cert II IT, AIT 1a &1b, AIT 2a & 2b, AIT 3a & 3b, Multimedia
HWT101 = Homework Term 1 Week 1 (with a test after each week) - HWT304 = Homework Term 3 Week 4
various ICT topics covered most for higher level ICT work (S = Solutions)
Term 1 Issue homework early and a test later in the same week. About 2-3 test per term
Week 1 Homework HWT101_Computers Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

1 A Personal Computer 2.  Computer, Information, and Integration Literacy 3. Discarding Old Computer Equipment

HWT101_Computers S
Week 1 Homework Test 1 HWT101_Computers_Test

1. Input devices to a computer: (1 mark)

  1. Process data ready for the output.
  2. Collect data for entry into a computer.
  3. Include monitors as an example.

2. ROM is a type of computer memory. It: (1 mark)

  1.    can store programs that cannot be changed.
  2.     process data.
  3.    is a temporary type of memory.
HWT101_Computers_Test S
Week 2 Homework

HWT102_Computer_Software Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

1 Computer Power
2 Computer Software

HWT102_Computer_Software S

Week 2 Homework Test 2 HWT102_Computer_Software Test

1. One function of an operating system for a personal computer is: 1 mark

   1. to organize the use of memory in the computer.
   2. to do the calculations that programs use.
   3. to produce the data for peripherals such as printers.

HWT102_Computer_Software Test S
Week 3 HWT103_Digital Media Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

3.             Computers, Data, Information, and Processing

 4.             Digital Media, Digital Students, and the ARCS Motivational Model

HWT103_Digital Media S

Week 4

HWT104_Networks_Internet Q

7.             Networks

8.             The Internet
HWT104_Networks_Internet S
Week 5

HWT105_Computers_In_Education Q  

9.   Computer Technology as used in Education

10. Headset Does Not Synchronize

HWT105_Computers_In_Education S
Week 6

HWT106_Comunication Q

1.               What Is Communications?

 2.             Communications Networks
HWT106_Comunication S
Week 6 Test

HWT106_Comunication Test

1. One advantage of using a computer for controlling many situations is: 1 mark

  1. computers are cheap
  2. computers never break down
  3. computers can respond very quickly to situations
HWT106_Comunication Test S
Week 7

HWT107_LAN_Networks Q

3.             Local and Wide Area Networks

HWT107_LAN_Networks S
Week 8

HWT108_Internet Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

5.             The Internet

6.             How the Internet Works

7.             Eliminating Pop-Ups

HWT108_Internet S
Week 8 Test

HWT108_Internet Test

1. A browser:

  1. is a piece of hardware that allows you to look at web pages
  2. is a piece of software that allows you to look at web pages
  3. is a search engine
HWT108_Internet Test S
Week 9

HWT109_World_Wide_Web Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

7.             The World Wide Web

8.             How a Web Page Works

9.             Images Not Being Displayed

HWT109_World_Wide_Web S
Week 10

HWT110_Searching_the_Web Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

9.             Web Browser Software

10.             Web Search Tools

11.             New Browser Windows

HWT110_Searching_the_Web S
Week 11

HWT111_Multimedia_and_Web Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

11.             Multimedia on the Web

12.             Other Internet Services

13. Wrong Web Site

HWT111_Multimedia_and_Web S
Week 12

HWT112_Netiquette Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

           13.             Netiquette and Security
HWT112_Netiquette S
Term 2

Homework semester break HWT113 The Digital Home

Completed the following pages…

  1. In the tables, below find three (3) rooms in your house where technological items Microwave, Fridge, Cooker, TV, Video, Computers etc. have been replaced by new items.
  2. list any two (2) items of equipment that, over the past twenty or so years has been replaced by new technology in this room.


HWT113 The Digital Home S
T2 Week 1 HWT201_Applications Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

1.               Application Software

2.             Role of the Operating System

3.             Program Not Responding 

HWT201_Applications S
T2 Week 1 Test

HWT201_Applications Test

1. An example of an information system is: 1 mark

  1. warehouse stock control
  2. temperature regulation in a greenhouse
  3. the connection between your computer and your internet provider
HWT201_Applications Test S
T2 Week 2

HWT202_Software Q

3.             Role of the User Interface

4.             Starting a Software Application

5.             Incorrect File Format 

HWT202_Software S
T2 Week 3

HWT203_Using_Software Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

5.             Working with Software Applications

6.             Productivity Software

7.             Missing Font 
HWT203_Using_Software S
T2 Week 3 Test

HWT203_Using_Software Test

1. RSI is a health risk that has been linked to using computers. What does RSI mean? 1 mark

  1. Right Steering Instructions
  2. Repeated String Idioms
  3. Repetitive Strain Injury
  4. Real Stress Injury
HWT203_Using_Software Test S
T2 Week 4

HWT204_Word_&_Excel Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

7.             Word Processing Software

8.             Spreadsheet Software

9.             Program Not Responding 
HWT204_Word_&_Excel S
T2 Week 4 Test

HWT204_Word_&_Excel Test

1. A spreadsheet package recalculates results when data is changed. 1 mark

2. Spreadsheet packages allow models to be set up with rules about how variables in a situation behave. 1 mark
True /False

HWT204_Word_&_Excel Test S
T2 Week 5

HWT205_Database_Software Q

9.             Database Software

10.             Value Too Long 

11.             Error Opening Database
HWT205_Database_Software S
T2 Week 5 Test

HWT205_Database_Software Test

1. An example of a Data item is:

   1. the music charts announced this week
   2. the weather forecast for tomorrow
   3. a sound picked up by a sound sensor

HWT205_Database_Software Test S
T2 Week 6

HWT206_Graphics_Multimedia Q

Questions:-  explain or describe
11.             Software Suites and Integrated Software

 12.             Graphics and Multimedia Software

13.             Audio Not Playing 
HWT206_Graphics_Multimedia S
T2 Week 7

HWT207_Presentation_Graphics Q

Questions:-  explain or describe
10.             Presentation Graphics Software

11.             Unusual File Size You are using photo editing software to remove red eye from a photo. After successfully removing the red eye, you save the file and notice that the size of the file nearly has doubled. What might be causing this?

12.             Inaccessible Media
HWT207_Presentation_Graphics S
T2 Week 8

HWT208_Reference Software Q

Questions:-  explain or describe
13.             Software for School and Professional Use

14.             Educational and Reference Software

15.             Incorrect Login Credentials
HWT208_Reference Software S
T2 Week 9

HWT209_Learning Aids Q

Questions:-  explain or describe   
15.             Learning Aids and Support Tools

 16.             Dead Battery 
HWT209_Learning Aids S
Term 3 Give Homework Tests Throughout the year About 2 test per term
T3 Week 1

HWT301_Bits_and_Bytes Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

1.             The System Unit

2.             Bits and Bytes

3.             Bits and Bytes calculations

HWT301_Bits_and_Bytes S
T3 Week 2

HWT302_CPU_and_Memory Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

3.             CPU and Processor

4.             Memory

5.             Problem Installing Custom Program

HWT302_CPU_and_Memory S
T3 Week 3

HWT303_Input_Keyboards Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

5.             Types of Input  (list at least 4)

6.             Keyboards

7.             Unresponsive Keyboard 

HWT303_Input_Keyboards S
T3 Week 4

HWT304_Input_Pointing_Devices Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

7.             Pointing Devices

8.             Audio and Video Input

9.             Touch Screen Problems

HWT304_Input_Pointing_Devices S
T3 Week 5

HWT305_Output_Devices Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

9.             Types of Output

10.             Output Devices

11. Monitor Not Working
HWT305_Output_Devices S
T3 Week 6

HWT306_Monitors_and_Printers Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

11.             Monitors

 12.             Printers

13.             Monitors Reversed

HWT306_Monitors_and_Printers S
T3 Week 7

HWT307_Storage_and_Drives Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

13.             Storage

14.             Floppy and Hard Disks

15.             Different Disk Capacity

HWT307_Storage_and_Drives S
T3 Week 8

HWT308_Other Storage Media Q

Questions:-  explain or describe


15.             Optical and Other Storage Media

16.            Moving Files between Computers

HWT308_Other Storage Media S
Term 4 Give Homework Tests Throughout the year About 2 test per term
T4 Week 1

HWT401_Digital_Media Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

1.  What Is Digital Media?

 2. Digital Media Applications

HWT401_Digital_Media S
T4 Week 2

HWT402_Electronic_Books Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

3. Computer-Based Training

4. Electronic Books and References

5. Web-Based Training Difficulties

HWT402_Electronic_Books S
T4 Week 3

HWT403_Digital_Media_WWW Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

5. Entertainment and Edutainment

 6. Digital Media and the World Wide Web  7. Page Not Displayed
HWT403_Digital_Media_WWW S
T4 Week 4

HWT404_Web-Based_Training Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

7.Web-Based Training and Distance Learning

8. K-12 Educational Software Applications

9. Differences between Job Descriptions Your friend, who has taken some computer courses, is undecided about becoming a graphic designer/illustrator or a desktop publisher/compositor. She asks you to list two differences between the two occupations. How will you respond?


HWT404_Web-Based_Training S
T4 Week 5

HWT405_Computer_Viruses Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

1. Computer Security Risks

2. Computer Viruses

3. Suspicious Account Transactions
HWT405_Computer_Viruses S
T4 Week 6

HWT406_Viruses_Removal Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

3. Virus Detection and Removal

 4. Unauthorized Access and Use 

5. Theft (Software Piracy Phishing)


HWT406_Viruses_Removal S
T4 Week 7

HWT407_ Copyright_Laws Q

Questions:-  explain or describe   (pick any 2)

 7.             Copyright Laws

 8.             Internet Ethics

 9.             Educational Controls

 10.             Health Issues

 11.             Emerging Technologies


HWT407_ Copyright_Laws S
T4 Week 7 Test

HWT407_ Copyright_Laws Test

1. The Data Protection Act protects files on your CD Drive. 1 mark.
True or False?

2. The Data Protection Act 1998 was brought in to: 1 mark

  1. make it illegal to copy music from CD to a computer
  2. control the way personal data is stored and give rights to data subjects
  3. give rights to the government about gathering information
  4. prevent copying of disks from one computer to another
HWT407_ Copyright_Laws Test S

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Tests & Exams for Applied Information Technology 1 a & 1b
S = Solution Sheets
In Class test/homework AIT HomeW01 ICT AIT HomeW01 ICT S
In Class test LES122 How Computers Work Q LES122 How Computers Work S
In Class test ERG100 Ergonomics Explained ERG100 Ergonomics Explained S
In Class test ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment S
In Class test AIT HomeW02 Hardware AIT HomeW02 Hardware S
In Class test ERG106 Ergonomics RSI ERG106 Ergonomics RSI S
In Class test ERG108 Ergonomics Quiz ERG109 Ergonomics Quiz S
In Class test APS109 Photoshop Venice Q APS109Images
In Class test MXL120 Excel Test Budget MXL120 Excel Budget Test S

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Previous information and links

Course content

The course content needs to be the focus of the learning program. It enables students to maximise their achievement of both the overarching

learning outcomes from the Curriculum Framework and the Applied Information Technology course outcomes.

The course content is divided into four content areas:

Social implications and trends

Hardware and software

Digital data and information

Workplace, practices and careers


  Term Plan Lessons & Tutorials for Applied Information Technology 1A Term 1
Notes Homework Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Week 1 1 Introduction Issue task 1 Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Web Quest 1 Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet
  1 Solutions Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8
Week 2 2 Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Task 1 Due
  2 Solutions Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12
Week 3 3 Issue task 2 Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Web Quest 2 Test
  3 Solutions Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16
Week 4 4 Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Task 2 Due
  4 Solutions Lesson 17 Lesson 18 Lesson 19 Lesson 20
Week 5 5 Issue task 3 Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Web Quest 3 Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet
  5 Solutions Lesson 21 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24
Week 6 6 Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Web Quest 4 Task 3 Due
  6 Solutions Lesson 25 Lesson 26 Lesson 27 Lesson 28
Week 7 7 Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet Web Quest 5 Test
  7 Solutions Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 31 Lesson 32
Week 8 8 Concepts Power Point Concepts Power Point Web Quest 6 Tutorial, Lesson or Worksheet
  8 Solutions Lesson 33 Lesson 34 Lesson 35 Lesson 36
Week 9 9 Concepts Power Point Revision Revision Catch Up Time
  9 Solutions Lesson 37 Lesson 38 Lesson 39 Lesson 40
Week 10   Revision & Catch Up Time Revision & Catch Up Time Revision & Catch Up Time Exam


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Assignment Tasks for Applied Information Technology 1a
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 55
Tests Homework
2009 1a 09 AIT1a Task 1 Travel Company 09 AIT1a Task 2 Design Online Presence 09 AIT1a Task 3 Creating an online presence 09 AIT1a Task 4 Database creation 09 AIT1a Task 5 Holiday Brochure   Homework is given out each week
2009 1b 09 AIT1b Task 1 impact of the internet on society 09 AIT1b Task 2 what makes a good presentation 09 AIT1b Task 3 Create Your Presentation 09 AIT1b Task 4 Equipping an office 09 AIT1b Task 5 Report on ICT Future   Solutions the following week
Assignment Tasks for Applied Information Technology 1b
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Tasks 55
Tests Homework
2010 1a 10 AIT1a TASK 1 History Computers 10 AIT1a TASK 2 Computer Guide 10 AIT1a TASK 3 Join The Club 10 AIT1a TASK 4 Create Web Site Web Evaluation Sheet 1AIT Revision Guide Document setup Homework is given out each week
2010 1b 10 AIT1b TASK 1 Investigate ICT 10 AIT1b TASK 2 Computer Systems Knowledge 10 AIT1b Task 3 Holiday brochure WKS104 ITC Concepts Power Point Q     Solutions the following week


Term 1 Lesson Plan (superseeded with teacher iPads) Sample Homework give answers the following week.1

Week 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Notes   Everything you need to know about computers    
Lessons Classroom_rules about computers    
Tests or Exams        
Homework Homework due HWT101_Computers Q HWT101_Computers S  


Week 2 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Tests or Exams        
Homework Homework due HWT102_Computer_Software Q

HWT102_Computer_Software S



Week 3 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Tests or Exams        
Homework Homework due HWT103_Digital Media Q

HWT103_Digital Media S



Week 4 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Tests or Exams HWT101_Computers_Test HWT101_Computers_Test S    
Homework Homework due HWT104_Networks_Internet Q HWT104_Networks_Internet S  


Week 5 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Tests or Exams        
Homework Homework due HWT105_Computers_In_Education Q HWT105_Computers_In_Education S  


Week 6 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Tests or Exams HWT102_Computer_Software Test HWT102_Computer_Software Test S    
Homework Homework due HWT106_Comunication Q HWT106_Comunication S  


Week 7 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Tests or Exams HWT106_Comunication Test HWT106_Comunication Test S    
Homework Homework due HWT107_LAN_Networks Q HWT107_LAN_Networks S  


Week 8 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Tests or Exams        
Homework Homework due HWT108_Internet Q HWT108_Internet S  


Week 9 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Tests or Exams HWT108_Internet Test HWT108_Internet Test S    
Homework Homework due HWT109_World_Wide_Web Q HWT109_World_Wide_Web S  


Week 10 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Tests or Exams        
Homework Homework due HWT110_Searching_the_Web Q HWT110_Searching_the_Web S  




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Microsoft Office Training

Office Training from Microsoft
  Office 2003 Office 2007 Office 2010

Access 2003

Access 2007

Access 2010


Excel 2003

Communicator 2007

Excel 2010


FrontPage 2003

Excel 2007

OneNote 2010


InfoPath 2003

Live Meeting 2007

Outlook 2010


OneNote 2003

OneNote 2007

PowerPoint 2010


Outlook 2003

Outlook 2007

Project 2010


PowerPoint 2003

PowerPoint 2007

SharePoint 2010


Project 2003

Project 2007

SharePoint Workspace 2010


Publisher 2003

Publisher 2007

Visio 2010


Visio 2003

SharePoint Server 2007

Word 2010


Word 2003

Visio 2007


Word 2007

Download all training

Download Office 2010 training

Download Office 2007 training

Download Office 2003 training






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Email Peter Faulks


Applied Information Technology * AITStage1 * AITStage2 * AITStage3 * Cert II Business * Cert II Information Technology * Multimedia

Subjects * Art * Computing * English * Geography * Hass * History * Mathematics

Miscellaneous * Acronyms * Accreditation * ICT_Homework * Naplan * Lessons * Quizzes * Relief Lessons * Proverbs * Sayings * Simile

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Page created 27th March 2014

Page updated 10th April 2020


© Peter J Faulks