



Tests & Exams for Applied Information Technology 1 a & 1b
S = Solution Sheets
In Class test/homework AIT HomeW01 ICT AIT HomeW01 ICT S
In Class test LES122 How Computers Work Q LES122 How Computers Work S
In Class test ERG100 Ergonomics Explained ERG100 Ergonomics Explained S
In Class test ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment S
In Class test AIT HomeW02 Hardware AIT HomeW02 Hardware S
In Class test ERG106 Ergonomics RSI ERG106 Ergonomics RSI S
In Class test ERG108 Ergonomics Quiz ERG109 Ergonomics Quiz S
In Class test APS109 Photoshop Venice Q APS109Images
In Class test MXL120 Excel Test Budget MXL120 Excel Budget Test S


Exams for Applied Information Technology 2a and 2b

01AIT 2A 2007 Exam Q 01AIT 2A 2007 Exam S
02AIT 2B 2007 Exam Q 02AIT 2B 2007 Exam S
03AIT 2a Exam Major Theory Q 03AIT 2a Exam Major Theory S
04AIT 2A 2008 Exam Q 04AIT 2A 2008 Exam S
05AIT 2A 2009 Exam Q 05AIT 2A 2009 Exam S
06AIT 2A 2010 Exam Q 06AIT 2A 2010 Exam S
07AIT 2A 2011 Exam Q 07AIT 2A 2011 Exam S
08AIT2b Theory Exam S1 RFID Q 08AIT2b Theory Exam S1 RFID S


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Tests for Applied Information Technology 3a & 3b
S = Solution Sheets
In Class test/homework    
In Class test LES122 How Computers Work Q LES122 How Computers Work S
In Class test ERG100 Ergonomics Explained ERG100 Ergonomics Explained S
In Class test ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment S
In Class test AIT HomeW02 Hardware AIT HomeW02 Hardware S
In Class test ERG106 Ergonomics RSI ERG106 Ergonomics RSI S
In Class test ERG108 Ergonomics Quiz ERG109 Ergonomics Quiz S
In Class test APS 116 Venice Exercise  
In Class test 11 AIT2 Exam Practical Fish Q 11 AIT2 Exam Practical Fish S
In Class test MWP 126 Word Processing Test 1 MWP 126 Word Processing Test 1S
In Class test AIT Warm Up Quiz  
In Class test 08 AIT2b Test1 Computer Graphics Q 08 AIT2b Test1 Computer Graphics S
Homework Web Quest Web Quest The Internet 20 Question Web Quest The Internet 20 Question S


Art Exam
Y11ART S2-2000  
Y11DRAMA S2-2000  
Y12DRAMA S1-2001  
Y11DRAMA S2-2000  

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Economics Exams Solutions
2001 Econ Y11 Exam Paper
  1. The economic model that shows the fluctuations in economic activity is known as the
2001 Econ Y11 Exam Ans Sheet 2001 Econ Y11 Exam Solutions
2002 Econ Y12 Exam Paper Which of the following is a central issue in macroeconomics?
2002 Econ Y12 MULTIPLE ANSWERS 2002 Econ Y12 Exam Solutions
ECO 114 Third World Chain Gang Game ECO 114 Third World Chain Gang Game S


An in-class lesson using groups to work producing items as 3rd World, middle or 1st World countries

The Chain Gang

Students form a group as a country that is either First World, Middle or Third World and start production based on their various resources or lack of them. Over time they will be able to sell their products (paper chains) and increase production. Other resources include small boxes of Smarties used as resources like minerals, gold, oil etc. Sticky tape, coloured paper and scissors.


ECO 114 Third World Chain Gang Game ECO 114 Third World Chain Gang Game S



English Exams
Sample English Exams
YR11ENGLISH S1-2001  
Y11ENGLISH S2-2000  
Y12ENGLISH S1-2000  
English Page


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Sample English Literature Exam




Sample Geography Exams
Y11GEOGRAPHY S1-2000  
Y11GEOGRAPHY S1-2001  
2018_GEO_Written_Examination 2018_GEO_Ratified_Marking_Key
Geography Quizzes or Exercises
WKS203 Climate Correcting WKS203 Climate S
WKS213 Geographical Correcting WKS213 Geographical Correcting S
LES119 Geography (Flags Quiz)  
ECO 114 Third World Chain Gang Game S

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Geography Quizzes 15 questions per page with answers
Geography 001 Kampuchea is now the official name of which country? Geography 015 We call this place Leghorn; what do the Italians call it?
Geography 002 Where in the world would you find Central Park? Geography 016 What is Formosa now called?
Geography 003 Where is the Statue of Liberty? Geography 017 What is the national language of Brazil?
Geography 004 Which is the world's smallest continent? Geography 018 What record does Mount Whitney hold?
Geography 005 What does the Monument in London commemorate? Geography 019 What is the capital of Chile?
Geography 006 How many Scilly Isles are there: 14, 40 or 140? Geography 020 To which country do the Azores belong?
Geography 007 Which city is on the Tigris river? Geography 021 What happens at Oberammergau, Bavaria, every ten years?
Geography 008 What is the United States' busiest airport? Geography 022 At which London cemetery is Karl Marx buried?
Geography 009 Which Mediterranean island lies close to a smaller island called Gozo? Geography 023 What is the capital of Malaysia?
Geography 010 What does 'Mediterranean' mean? Geography 024 What, exactly, was the Golden Arrow?
Geography 011 Which country was awarded the George Cross in 1942? Geography 025 The Balearic Islands are part of which country?
Geography 012 Which continent contains more than 50% of the world's
Geography 026 To which country do the Galapagos Islands belong?
Geography 013 Where in London is 'Poets' Corner'?    
Geography 014 The old country of Babylonia is now called?   Geography 1-26


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Sample Economics Exams
2001 Econ Exam Paper 2001 Econ Exam Solutions
  2001 Econ Exam An's Sheet
ERG106 Ergonomics RSI ERG106 Ergonomics RSI S
ERG108 Ergonomics Quiz ERG109 Ergonomics Quiz S
School Exams



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Sample History Exams
Y11HISTORY S1-2000
Y11HISTORY S2-2000
Y12HISTORY S1 - 2000
Y12HISTORY S1 - 2001
Y12HISTORY S2-2000
All Exam Papers
Link to History Exams


History Quizzes Set 1 (15 per page with answers)

001 History Who was king of England in the year AD1000? 021 History Philip the Bold, John the Fearless and Philip the Good were all
dukes of what?
002 History In which year did William the Conqueror order the Domesday Book to be compiled? 022 History In which year was the Festival of Britain held?
003 History By what nickname was Sir Henry Percy, son of the Earl of Northumberland, who was killed at the battle of Shrewsbury in 1403, generally known? 023 History Who became king of Scotland in 1040?
004 History Who was king of England in the year 1200? 024 History In which year was the House of Commons established in
005 History Which English king lost his only son when the 'White Ship' sank in the Channel in 1120? 025 History Edward Hawke, George Rodney and John Jervis all achieved
distinction as what?
006 History What important social registry was begun in 1836? 026 History Charles the Bald, Charles the Wise and Charles the Affable were
all kings of which European country?
007 History King Edward III defeated which fleet at Winchelsea in 1350? 027 History Jane Shore, Nell Gwyn and Lillie Langtry were all famous
as what?
008 History The foundation stone of which London Cathedral was laid in 1675? 028 History Ada Augusta Lovelace (1815_52) is famous for her work in which
009 History What set sail from Spain to England in 1588? 029 History Knut Sveinsson was the Danish name of which king of England?
010 History Who was accidentally killed by Sir William Tyrel in the New Forest
in 1100?
030 History The poet Robert Browning and Alfred Krupp the founder of the
famous German steel and armaments firm were both born in the
year of a famous military disaster. What year was it?
011 History Who was king of England in the year 1300? 031 History What is the English term for the drink known in Scotland as
012 History In what movement of the 15th century did Philipp Melanchthon and Ulrich Zwingli play prominent parts? 032 History The Battles of Lansdown, Roundway Down, Newbury and
Langport were all fought during which war?
013 History What began in Pudding Lane and ended in Pie Corner? 033 History Who was murdered in 1916 by being shot and then thrown into
the River Neva?
014 History Who commanded the Spanish and Papal forces which defeated the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571? 034 History Where did King Charles I raise his standard at the beginning of
the English Civil War?
015 History In memory of what was Battle Abbey in Sussex founded? 035 History For her activities in what field is Selina, Countess of Huntingdon
(1707_91) famous?
016 History Elizabeth of Hungary lived from 1207 to 1231 and married to the Landgrave of Thuringia. What happened to her in 1235? 036 History In which century was the National Debt established in England?
017 History In which year did the Battle of Agincourt take place? 037 History Who was king of England in the year 1500?
018 History By what nickname is Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick (1428_71) often known? 038 History Malcolm Canmore, Donald Bane, William the Lion and John de
Baliol were all at various times kings of which country?
019 History The Italian dictator Benito Mussolini and the British prime minister Clement Attlee were both born in the same year. What year was it? 039 History In which year was Robert the Bruce crowned king of Scotland?
020 History Which decade did the poet W. H. Auden describe as 'a low dishonest decade'? 040 History Who was the mother of Mary Queen of Scots? Anne of Austria,
Margaret of Scotland, or Mary of Guise?

History Quizzes Set 2 (15 per page with answers)

041 History What did the diplomat Jean Nicot (1530_1600) introduce into
074 History In which year did German troops reoccupy the Rhineland as part
of the repudiation of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
042 History Which archbishop of Canterbury held out his hand to the fire in
which he was about to be burned as a punishment for signing a
recantation of his Protestant principles?
075 History Where did Roosevelt and Churchill meet at a conference in
January 1943 to plan Allied strategy in the latter part of
World War II?
043 History Anne of Austria was the mother of which French king? 076 History Whom did Henry II succeed as king of England in 1154?
044 History In which battle of World War I were angels reported to have
fought beside the British troops?
077 History What did Lord Nelson lose in 1794 in an attack on the town of
Calvi in Corsica, his arm or his eye?
045 History Who was king of England in the year 1600? 078 History Who was the last Plantagenet king of England?
046 History In which year was Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother born? 079 History Which island became a dependency of Norway in the 9th century
and was ceded to Scotland in 1266?
047 History What was the name of Christopher Columbus's flagship on his
expedition of 1492?
080 History Who wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Man?
048 History Which king of England set out on a crusade to Palestine in 1190? 081 History Which famous London market moved from central London to a more southerly site in 1974?
049 History What makes Pope Adrian IV unique? 082 History Who is the current Duke of Cornwall?
050 History The architect Louis Le Vau began the extension and remodelling of which French palace in 1661? 083 History President McKinley of the United States died on 14th September
1901, following what?
051 History Who was king of England in the year 1700? 084 History In 1747 Johann Sebastian Bach presented his 'Musical Offering'
to which king?
052 History What did the USA purchase from France for 15 million dollars in 1803? 085 History Francisco Pizarro, the Spanish conqueror, overcame which
people, and where, in 1533?
053 History King Edward VII opened which major museum at South Kensington on 26 June 1909? 086 History Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765 to tax which group of
054 History When did Eva Peron of Argentina die? 087 History Who was William McKinley?
055 History What did Russia sell to the US in 1867? 088 History Which European country overthrew its monarchy and became a
republic on 5th October, 1910?
056 History Who met at the Munich Agreement of 1938? 089 History Who was Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova?
057 History What did the Jameson Raid into the Transvaal on 29 December 1895 lead to? 090 History What was the Stern Gang in Palestine?
058 History Which London department store opened on 15 March 1909? 091 History By what name is Siddhartha Gautama better-known?
059 History Which Mediterranean island became an independent republic in 1960? 092 History Which driverless, computer-run railway began operating on 30th
July, 1987?
060 History In which German city were the Holy Roman Emperors elected and, from 1562, crowned? 093 History Who in 1895 set sail from Boston on the first solo round-theworld
061 History Which famous London theatre burned down during a performance in 1613? 094 History Which well-known Irish political party was founded in Dublin in
062 History In 1007 King Ethelred II (the Unready) paid pounds 30,000 to the
Danes to guarantee freedom from attack for two years. This was one of several payments known as what?
095 History What was the name of the wife of King Louis XVI of France?
063 History The 'Plantation of Ulster', involving the confiscation of land
from the native Irish and the introduction of settlers from the
mainland of Britain took place under which king of England?
096 History What flag was first adopted in Britian in 1606?
064 History The union of which two countries was formalized by an Act of
Union in 1536?
097 History Which Chinese dynasty ruled between 1368 and 1644?
065 History Who was king of Great Britain in the year 1800? 098 History What was the R101 and what happened to it?
066 History In which decade of the 19th century was gold discovered on the
Witwatersrand in the Transvaal, South Africa?
099 History Who was 'Lord Haw Haw'?
067 History 'What hath God wrought' was the first message transmitted from
Washington DC to Baltimore in 1844 using which then-new
method of communication?
100 History Which well-known priest was excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church in 1521?
068 History Which king of England was the illegitimate son of a
tanner's daughter?
101 History What nationality was St Francis Xavier, one of the founders of
the Jesuit order and the founder of a Christian mission in Japan?
069 History Around the year 1000, Leif Ericson is thought to have journeyed
to and explored what?
102 History In which year was the first Olympic games of the modern era
held in Athens?
070 History Meriwether Lewis and William Clark between 1804 and 1806 led
an expedition across what stretch of then unexplored territory?
103 History Who was king of England in the year 1400?
071 History Which was the first European country to begin importing slaves
from Africa?
104 History Who was Lady Jane Grey?
072 History President Abraham Lincoln represented which political party? 105 History What did Britain buy 176,602 shares of on 25th October, 1875?
073 History Babar (or Babur) (1483 to 1530) was the first emperor of which
dynasty in India?
106 History Who was the last monarch of Russia?
    107 History Who were the Plantaganets?
    108 History Who was the Black Prince?
Zip File all History quizzes History Quizzes 1-109 109 History pound 1 and 10 shilling notes were issued for the first time in Britain
in what year?

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ANCIENT History Exams

Ancient History Exams Solutions
2022-histancient-cpr-questions 2022-ancienthistory-solutions
2023-histancient-exam 2023-ancienthistory-solutions
Other History Exams Link to History Exams
YEAR 12 HISTORY S2 1999  
Y11HISTORY S1-2000  
Y11HISTORY S2-2000  
Y12HISTORY S1 - 2000  
Y12HISTORY S1 - 2001  
Y12HISTORY S2-2000  
All Exam Papers  


Exams for Multimedia or Digital Design
Exams Software Exam Solution Samples

Exam Multimedia Olympics

Power Point

Exam Multimedia Olympics S

History of Olympics.ppt


Multimedia Page


Advanced multimedia - also suitable for all Computing units
Exam computer Q About the computer Power Point about computers

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Sample Naplan Paper Year 3 Resources Sample Naplan Answers Year 3
Example_Test_Language_Conventions_Y3   Example_Test_Answer_Language_Conventions_Y3
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y3   Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y3
Example_Test_Reading_Y3 Example_Test_Reading_Magazine_Y3_revised Example_Test_Answer_Reading_Y3
Sample Naplan Paper Year 5 Resources Sample Naplan Answers Year 5
Example_Test_Language_Conventions_Y5   Example_Test_Answer_Language_Conventions_Y5
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y5   Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y5
naplan_year5_test_prep_set1_2009 naplan_year5_test_prep_set1_Solutions
naplan_year5_test_prep_set2_2009 naplan_year5_test_prep_set2_Solutions
naplan_year5_test_prep_set3_2009 naplan_year5_test_prep_set3_Solutions
naplan_year5_test_prep_set4_2009 naplan_year5_test_prep_set4_Solutions
naplan_year5_test_prep_set5_2010 naplan_year5_test_prep_set5_Solutions
naplan_year5_test_prep_set6_2010 naplan_year5_test_prep_set6_Solutions
naplan_year5_test_prep_set7_2010 naplan_year5_test_prep_set7_Solutions
naplan_yr5_test_prep_set8 naplan_year5_test_prep_set8_Solutions
naplan_yr5_test_prep_set9 naplan_year5_test_prep_set9_Solutions
naplan_yr5_test_prep_set10 naplan_year5_test_prep_set10_Solutions
Example_Test_Reading_Y5 Example_Test_Reading_Magazine_Y5 Example_Test_Answer_Reading_Y5
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y5   Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y5
Example_Test_Reading_Y5 Example_Test_Reading_Magazine_Y5 Example_Test_Answer_Reading_Y5
naplan_year5_lit_read_questions_12 naplan_year5_lit_read_mag_12 naplan_read_yr5_set4_answer
naplan_year5_lit_read_qst_11 naplan_year5_lit_read_mag_11 naplan_read_yr5_set3_answer
naplan_year5_lit_read_questions_10 naplan_year5_lit_read_mag_10 naplan_read_yr5_set2_answer
naplan_year5_lit_read_questions naplan_year5_lit_read_mag naplan_read_yr5_set1_answer
Sample Naplan Paper Year 7 Resources Sample Naplan Answers Year 7
Example_Test_Language_Conventions_Y7   Example_Test_Answer_Language_Conventions_Y7
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y7_non_calc   Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y7_Non_Calc
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y7_calc   Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y7_Calc
Example_Test_Reading_Y7 Example_Test_Reading_Magazine_Y7 Example_Test_Answer_Reading_Y7
Example_Test_Language_Conventions_Y9   Example_Test_Answer_Language_Conventions_Y9
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y9_non_calc   Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y9_Non_Calc
Example_Test_Numeracy_Y9_calc   Example_Test_Answer_Numeracy_Y9_Calc
Example_Test_Reading_Y9 Example_Test_Reading_Magazine_Y9 Example_Test_Answer_Reading_Y9





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Full Exam Papers with solutions are listed below

Applied Information Technolgy file Art & Drama file HASS file Economics (Include in class Economics game) file English file Geography (Includes Geography in class quizzes)

file History (Includes History in class quizzes) file Multimedia file Naplan file 50 weeks of ICT Homework (one for every school week)

file Glossary of Exam Terms file A guide to the Education System


You should also check out Quizzes for light in class quiz sheets


Short tests to use in the classroom

Notes mainly AIT classes
EXAM001 All About Computers Q

Computing, AIT, Cert II IT ICT subjects, If you have a rowdy class I used this test to get the class back on task just tell the class that they must start immediately on this exam and complete it in class. (Impossible)


EXAM001 All About Computers S


see also


Computing About Computers

EXAM002 The Computer Q

AIT, Cert II IT, ICT Computing subjects (All about the components of a computer or technology)


EXAM002 The Computer S
EXAM003 Computers Power Point Q

DESIGN AND CREATE A POWER POINT DIGITAL PRESENTATION Use your presentation software package to create a digital presentation by using the following guidelines.

AIT, Cert II IT, ICT Computing subjects (including hardware, networks and how computers work)

EXAM003 Computers Power Point S

Sample Power Point

EXAM004 Digital Images Q

AIT, Cert II IT, Digital Media, ICT Computing, Multimedia subjects (various file types explained)


EXAM004 Digital Images S
EXAM005 Oriental Delights Restaurant

AIT, Cert II IT, Digital Media, ICT Computing, Multimedia subjects

Create a Menu using Word, Photoshop or any appropriate software


EXAM005 Oriental Delights Restaurant S
EXAM006 Photoshop Venice Q

AIT, Cert II IT, Digital Media, ICT Computing, Multimedia subjects (Create a poster in Photoshop advertising Italian Delights) (Needs .zip file)


See a sample
EXAM007 Simple Graphics

AIT, Cert II IT, Digital Media, ICT Computing, Multimedia subjects (Create various graphics using any drawing software)


EXAM007 Simple Graphics S
EXAM008 Elephant Graphics

AIT, Cert II IT, Digital Media, ICT Computing, Multimedia subjects (Adjust images and add or change colours)


EXAM008 Elephant Graphics S
EXAM009 Plate Graphics

AIT, Cert II IT, Digital Media, ICT Computing, Multimedia subjects (Create a plate graphic using any drawing software)


EXAM009 Plate Graphics S
EXAM010 Olympics Graphics

AIT, Cert II IT, Digital Media, ICT Computing, Multimedia subjects (Create and Olympics Poster graphic using any drawing software)


EXAM010 Olympics Graphics S
EXAM011 Graphics Exit Practical Q

Simple graphis creation using and graphics program (Create various graphic shapes using any drawing software)


EXAM011 Graphics Exit Practical S
EXAM012 Graphics Post Prod Band Q

Create a poster from three indivual photos (Create a band poster using images provided using any drawing software)


EXAM012 Graphics Post Prod Band S
EXAM013 Graphics Correction Q

graphicsCreate an Olypics Logologo


EXAM013 Graphics Correction S
EXAM014 Typing Test
EXAM014 Typing_Speed_Test
EXAM015 Practical Menu Q


Create a3 fold menu advanced graphics test

EXAM015 Practical Menu S
EXAM016 Info Tech Exam Q

Full Information Technology test with essay for part 4


EXAM016 Info Tech Exam S

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During my teaching career I created and used many tests, exams and projects to enhance or test students, here is a collection of all of my tests, quizzes and the exams that were used, most have solutions and or sample solutions. They move from short sharp in class quiz sessions to full exam stage.

Pre Exam Relaxation Techniques

3 by 4 relaxation:- prior to any exam, students should consider this relaxation technique

Breath in slowly counting 1, 2, 3 and 4 hold for a count of 4 and breathe out slowly counting 1, 2, 3 and 4

REPEAT 3 times and you should feel more relaxed for your exam. (slows the heart rate)

Relaxation technique and trigger point - the 10 count
Touch your left side stomach area near navel, (this will be your trigger point), sit or lay relaxed, close your eyes, (I also imagine cleaning a whiteboard or blackboard of all my thoughts) breath in and slowly breathe out saying the number 1, repeat and continue saying one each time UNTIL you feel you are slightly more relaxed.
If you feel you are more relaxed keep steadily breathing and say the number two and repeat until you feel even more relaxed and you can say the number three, continue until you reach ten (by this time you would be totally relaxed or asleep) I have never known anyone to reach ten. However if you practice this technique once a day for a week you will find that when stressed if you touch your hand to your stomach (trigger point) your body will know it is relaxation time and the stress levels should drop, even without the breathing technique. (Works for most students at exam time).

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Glossary of Terms for Exams (Western Australia)

Account Account for: state reasons for, report on. Give an account of: narrate a series of events or transactions
Advise Recommend or inform
Analyse Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications
Apply Use, utilise, employ in a particular situation
Argue Make a case, based on appropriate evidence, for and/or against some given point of view
Assess Make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size
Calculate Ascertain/determine from given facts, figures or information
Choose (multiple-choice) Decide or select the most suitable from a number of different options
Clarify Make clear or plain
Classify Arrange or include in classes/categories
Comment on Make reference to and expand upon
Compare Show how things are similar and different
Complete Finish an outlined task
Consider Reflect on and make a judgement/evaluation
Construct Make; build; put together items or arguments
Contrast Show how things are different or opposite
Correlate Demonstrate a mutual or complementary relationship
Create Make, invent something
Critically (analyse/evaluate) Add a degree or level of accuracy depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, questioning, reflection and quality to analyse/evaluate
Debate Develop a logical (sometimes persuasive) argument, giving differing views in response to a topic
Deduce Draw conclusions
Define State meaning and identify essential qualities
Demonstrate Show by example
Describe Provide characteristics and features
Determine Decide, find out
Discuss Identify issues and provide points for and/or against
Distinguish Recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different from; note differences between
Draw (diagrams etc.) An instruction, as in draw a circle
Evaluate To ascertain the value or amount of; appraise carefully
Examine Inquire into
Explain Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how
Explore Investigate, search for or evaluate
Extract Choose relevant and/or appropriate details
Extrapolate Infer from what is known
Identify Recognise and name
Illustrate Similar to 'explain' (see above), but requires the quoting of specific examples or statistics or possibly the drawing of maps, graphs, sketches, etc.
Interpret Draw meaning from
Investigate To plan, search or inquire into; examine in order to obtain the true facts
Justify Support an argument or conclusion; give reasons for your statements or comments
Label (and annotate) Identify by placing a name or word used to describe the object or thing
List Provide a series of related words, names, numbers or items that are arranged in order, one after the other
Name Provide a word or term used to identify an object, person, thing, place etc. (something that is known and distinguished from other people or things)
Outline Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of
Predict Suggest what may happen based on available information
Prepare (e.g. in Accounting) Take the necessary action to put something into a state where it is fit for use or action, or for a particular event or purpose
Present (an argument) Offer or convey something such as an argument or statement to somebody formally; a discussion that offers different points of view on an issue or topic; debate
Propose Put forward (for example, a point of view, idea, argument, suggestion) for consideration or action
Recall Present remembered ideas, facts or experiences
Recommend Provide reasons in favour
Recount Retell a series of events
Respond to … Provide an answer; reply
Select Choose somebody or something from among several
Show Give information; illustrate
Sketch A picture or diagram that is done quickly, roughly; a brief outline
State Express the main points of an idea or topic, perhaps in the manner of 'describe' (see above)
Summarise Express, concisely, the relevant details
Synthesise Put together various elements to make a whole; gather all ideas and combine them into a complex whole; combine all parts



Education Guide

Primary school Runs for seven or eight years, starting at Kindergarten/Preparatory through to Year 6 or 7
Secondary school Runs for three or four years, from Years 7 to 10 or 8 to 10.
Senior secondary school Runs for two years, Years 11 and 12.


is a type of diploma awarded by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. It is compulsory to sit English and four other subjects for WACE, Previously, it was also required that students sit a Mathematics course exam, but this has since been removed.
The Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)

is the credential given to students who have completed senior secondary education (Year 11 and Year 12) in the state of Western Australia, and is intended to become the Western Australian certificate within the Australian Certificate of Education, part of the Australian Qualifications Framework. From 2010 onwards, WACE is now also the set of final examinations that are completed by majority of Year 12 students, replacing the TEE (Tertiary Entrance Exam).

The Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (SSCE) is the graduation certificate awarded to most students in Australian high schools, and is equivalent to the Advance Placement of North America and the A-Levels of the United Kingdom. Students completing the SSCE are usually aged 16 to 18 and study full-time for two years (years 11 and 12 of schooling). In some states adults may gain the certificate through a Technical and Further Education college or other provider.

The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is a number between 0.00 and 99.95 that indicates a student's position relative to all the students in their age group (i.e. all 16 to 20 year olds in STATE (WA, NSW etc.). So, an ATAR of 80.00 means that you are 20 per cent from the top of your age group (not your Year 12 group).


The average ATAR is usually around 70.00.

If every school student went on to achieve an ATAR, the average ATAR would be 50.00. But because some students leave school early and the ones who stay on to receive an ATAR are a smaller, more academically able group, the average ATAR is higher.


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Age of Student PlayGroup / Kindergarden Notes or information

These are general notes only, to obtain more detailed information check links below

02-04 Primary School    
The Australian Curriculum across Years 3–6 assists students to develop their ability to take positive action for well-being; relate and communicate well with others; pose questions and solve problems; make informed decisions and act responsibly. It engages students more purposefully with the discipline knowledge, understanding and skills of the eight learning areas of the Australian Curriculum.
5 Year 1 1

Introduction to Literacy and numeracy and an understanding of grammar and language


Introduction to Mathematics

Introduction to Science

Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences

plus Physical Education



Information booklet year 1-2

6 Year 2 2

Brief investigation to Literacy and numeracy and an understanding of grammar and language


Mathematics curriculum extends key understandings of fractions and decimals, number, patterns and relationships, measurement and geometry, and statistics


Science curriculum focuses on recognising questions of interest that can be investigated scientifically and investigating them in an increasingly systematic way.


Humanities and Social Sciences curriculum continues to draw on students’ growing experience of community and the wider world to develop their understanding of the world


Design and Technologies, introduces a systematic approach for students to design, produce and evaluate a range of designed solutions in at least three technologies contexts, considering sustainability and future use.

Resource Link

7 Year 3 3

Broader investigation to Literacy and numeracy and an understanding of grammar and language


Mathematics curriculum extends key understandings of fractions and decimals, number, patterns and relationships, measurement and geometry, and statistics


Science curriculum focuses on recognising questions of interest that can be investigated scientifically and investigating them in an increasingly systematic way.


Humanities and Social Sciences curriculum continues to draw on students’ growing experience of community and the wider world to develop their understanding of the world


Design and Technologies, introduces a systematic approach for students to design, produce and evaluate a range of designed solutions in at least three technologies contexts, considering sustainability and future use.

year 3- 6 link is here

8 Year 4 4

Further investigation to Literacy and numeracy and an understanding of grammar and language


Mathematics curriculum extends key understandings of fractions and decimals, number, patterns and relationships, measurement and geometry, and statistics


Science curriculum focuses on recognising questions of interest that can be investigated scientifically and investigating them in an increasingly systematic way.


Humanities and Social Sciences curriculum continues to draw on students’ growing experience of community and the wider world to develop their understanding of the world


Design and Technologies, introduces a systematic approach for students to design, produce and evaluate a range of designed solutions in at least three technologies contexts, considering sustainability and future use.

9 Year 5 5

Concentrated investigation to Literacy and numeracy and an understanding of grammar and language


Mathematics curriculum extends key understandings of fractions and decimals, number, patterns and relationships, measurement and geometry, and statistics


Science curriculum focuses on recognising questions of interest that can be investigated scientifically and investigating them in an increasingly systematic way.


Humanities and Social Sciences curriculum continues to draw on students’ growing experience of community and the wider world to develop their understanding of the world


Design and Technologies, introduces a systematic approach for students to design, produce and evaluate a range of designed solutions in at least three technologies contexts, considering sustainability and future use.

Resources Link

10 Year 6

leavers year, graduation and awards


This focus area provides the explicit teaching of personal and social capabilities that foster resilience and wellbeing among Year 6 students.




  High School   Link to full curriculum year 7-10
11 Year 7 Lower School There's no mandatory national testing for students in Years 7 to 9, but teachers do have to do their own assessments of their progress and attainment Year 7 students learn the following compulsory subjects: English. Mathematics. Science.
12 Year 8 Lower School

Compulsory subjects: English. Mathematics. Science. but more indepth and include tests and home work

13 Year 9 Middle school

Compulsory subjects: English. Mathematics. Science. plus these broad subject areas:

Creative Arts, Art and Drama

Human Society and Its Environment.


Personal Development, Health, and Physical Education (PDHPE)

Technological and Applied Studies.

History, Geography, Economics

14 Year 10 Middle school

If you think you might not finish your HSC and will want a RoSA (Record of School Achievement), your year 10 and year 11 marks will be part of that. You might conside Vocational Educational and Training (VET) Courses, these are usually Certificate II courses.

15 Year 11 Upper School

WACE WA Certificate of Education

Achievement standard requirement

1. Achievement of at least 14 C grades or higher (or the equivalent) in Year 11 and 12 units, including at least six C grades, or equivalents, in Year 12.

2. Completion of at least four Year 12 ATAR courses or of a Certificate II (or higher) VET qualification.

16 Year 12 Upper School

Your ATAR is a combination of your marks from the HSC exams and your assessment marks from year 12 only.

17 Year 13 Upper School Note because of COVID-19

There will be no year 13, in 2020 / 2021 - there will be no mass repeating to obtain ATAR

18 to any age ATAR Cut offs vary depending on University University of WA Arts 80, Bus, 80, Stem 80, Ave 80
Curtin University & Murdoch Uni Arts 70, Bus, 70, Stem 80, Ave 73
University of NSW

Arts 81, Bus, 97, Stem 92, Ave 90

Higher Education

TAFE or Higher Learning Colleges or some Universities

Level 1

Graduates at this level will have knowledge and skills for initial work, community involvement and/or further learning.

  • Certificate I
  • 0.5 to 1 year

Level 2

Graduates at this level will have substantial knowledge and skills for work in a defined context and/or further learning.

  • Certificate II
  • 0.5 to 1 year

Level 3

Graduates at this level will have theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for work and/or further learning.

  • Certificate III
  • 1 to 2 years

Level 4

Graduates at this level will have more theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for specialised and/or skilled work and/or further learning.

  • Certificate IV
  • 0.5 to 2 years

Level 5

Graduates at this level will have specialised knowledge and skills for skilled/paraprofessional work and/or further learning.

  • Diploma
  • 1 to 2 years

Level 6

Graduates at this level will have broad knowledge and skills for paraprofessional/highly skilled work and/or further learning.

  • Associate degree
  • Advanced diploma
  • 2 years
  • 1.5 to 2 years

Level 7

Graduates at this level will have broad and coherent knowledge and skills for professional work and/or further learning.

  • Bachelor degree
  • 3 to 4 years

Level 8

Graduates at this level will have advanced knowledge and skills for professional/highly skilled work and/or further learning.

  • Graduate diploma
  • Graduate certificate
  • Bachelor honours degree
  • 0.5 to 1 year
  • 0.5 to 1 year
  • 1 year

Level 9

Graduates at this level will have specialised knowledge and skills for research, and/or professional practice and/or further learning.

  • Masters degree (extended)
  • Masters degree (coursework)
  • Masters degree (research)
  • 3 to 4 years
  • 1 to 2 years
  • 1 to 2 years

Level 10

Graduates at this level will have systematic and critical understanding of a complex field of learning and specialised research skills for the advancement of learning and/or for professional practice.

  • 3 to 4 years

Note: PhD and higher are studied with tutorial support





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Applied Information Technology * AITStage1 * AITStage2 * AITStage3 * Cert II Business * Cert II Information Technology * Multimedia

Subjects * Art * Computing * English * Geography * Hass * History * Mathematics

Miscellaneous * Acronyms * Accreditation * ICT_Homework * Naplan * Lessons * Quizzes * Relief Lessons * Proverbs * Sayings * Simile

Exams & Tests * Student Survival Kit * Web quests * Worksheets * Home Page * Peters Site * Soccer


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Over 40 home work sheets to use during the year, mainly based on Computing ICT.

These can be used as test questions or modified into formal exams

Homework for ICT for Cert II IT, AIT 1a &1b, AIT 2a & 2b, AIT 3a & 3b, Multimedia
HWT101 = Homework Term 1 Week 1 (with a test after each week) - HWT304 = Homework Term 3 Week 4
various ICT topics covered most for higher level ICT work (S = Solutions)
Term 1 Issue homework early and a test later in the same week. About 2-3 test per term
Week 1 Homework HWT101_Computers Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

1 A Personal Computer 2.  Computer, Information, and Integration Literacy 3. Discarding Old Computer Equipment

HWT101_Computers S
Week 1 Homework Test 1 HWT101_Computers_Test

1. Input devices to a computer: (1 mark)

  1. Process data ready for the output.
  2. Collect data for entry into a computer.
  3. Include monitors as an example.

2. ROM is a type of computer memory. It: (1 mark)

  1.    can store programs that cannot be changed.
  2.     process data.
  3.    is a temporary type of memory.
HWT101_Computers_Test S
Week 2 Homework

HWT102_Computer_Software Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

1 Computer Power
2 Computer Software

HWT102_Computer_Software S

Week 2 Homework Test 2 HWT102_Computer_Software Test

1. One function of an operating system for a personal computer is: 1 mark

   1. to organize the use of memory in the computer.
   2. to do the calculations that programs use.
   3. to produce the data for peripherals such as printers.

HWT102_Computer_Software Test S
Week 3 HWT103_Digital Media Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

3.             Computers, Data, Information, and Processing

 4.             Digital Media, Digital Students, and the ARCS Motivational Model

HWT103_Digital Media S

Week 4

HWT104_Networks_Internet Q

7.             Networks

8.             The Internet
HWT104_Networks_Internet S
Week 5

HWT105_Computers_In_Education Q  

9.   Computer Technology as used in Education

10. Headset Does Not Synchronize

HWT105_Computers_In_Education S
Week 6

HWT106_Comunication Q

1.               What Is Communications?

 2.             Communications Networks
HWT106_Comunication S
Week 6 Test

HWT106_Comunication Test

1. One advantage of using a computer for controlling many situations is: 1 mark

  1. computers are cheap
  2. computers never break down
  3. computers can respond very quickly to situations
HWT106_Comunication Test S
Week 7

HWT107_LAN_Networks Q

3.             Local and Wide Area Networks

HWT107_LAN_Networks S
Week 8

HWT108_Internet Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

5.             The Internet

6.             How the Internet Works

7.             Eliminating Pop-Ups

HWT108_Internet S
Week 8 Test

HWT108_Internet Test

1. A browser:

  1. is a piece of hardware that allows you to look at web pages
  2. is a piece of software that allows you to look at web pages
  3. is a search engine
HWT108_Internet Test S
Week 9

HWT109_World_Wide_Web Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

7.             The World Wide Web

8.             How a Web Page Works

9.             Images Not Being Displayed

HWT109_World_Wide_Web S
Week 10

HWT110_Searching_the_Web Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

9.             Web Browser Software

10.             Web Search Tools

11.             New Browser Windows

HWT110_Searching_the_Web S
Week 11

HWT111_Multimedia_and_Web Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

11.             Multimedia on the Web

12.             Other Internet Services

13. Wrong Web Site

HWT111_Multimedia_and_Web S
Week 12

HWT112_Netiquette Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

           13.             Netiquette and Security
HWT112_Netiquette S

Term 2

Term 2

Homework semester break HWT113 The Digital Home

Completed the following pages…

  1. In the tables, below find three (3) rooms in your house where technological items Microwave, Fridge, Cooker, TV, Video, Computers etc. have been replaced by new items.
  2. list any two (2) items of equipment that, over the past twenty or so years has been replaced by new technology in this room.


HWT113 The Digital Home S
T2 Week 1 HWT201_Applications Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

1.               Application Software

2.             Role of the Operating System

3.             Program Not Responding 

HWT201_Applications S
T2 Week 1 Test

HWT201_Applications Test

1. An example of an information system is: 1 mark

  1. warehouse stock control
  2. temperature regulation in a greenhouse
  3. the connection between your computer and your internet provider
HWT201_Applications Test S
T2 Week 2

HWT202_Software Q

3.             Role of the User Interface

4.             Starting a Software Application

5.             Incorrect File Format 

HWT202_Software S
T2 Week 3

HWT203_Using_Software Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

5.             Working with Software Applications

6.             Productivity Software

7.             Missing Font 
HWT203_Using_Software S
T2 Week 3 Test

HWT203_Using_Software Test

1. RSI is a health risk that has been linked to using computers. What does RSI mean? 1 mark

  1. Right Steering Instructions
  2. Repeated String Idioms
  3. Repetitive Strain Injury
  4. Real Stress Injury
HWT203_Using_Software Test S
T2 Week 4

HWT204_Word_&_Excel Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

7.             Word Processing Software

8.             Spreadsheet Software

9.             Program Not Responding 
HWT204_Word_&_Excel S
T2 Week 4 Test

HWT204_Word_&_Excel Test

1. A spreadsheet package recalculates results when data is changed. 1 mark

2. Spreadsheet packages allow models to be set up with rules about how variables in a situation behave. 1 mark
True /False

HWT204_Word_&_Excel Test S
T2 Week 5

HWT205_Database_Software Q

9.             Database Software

10.             Value Too Long 

11.             Error Opening Database
HWT205_Database_Software S
T2 Week 5 Test

HWT205_Database_Software Test

1. An example of a Data item is:

   1. the music charts announced this week
   2. the weather forecast for tomorrow
   3. a sound picked up by a sound sensor

HWT205_Database_Software Test S
T2 Week 6

HWT206_Graphics_Multimedia Q

Questions:-  explain or describe
11.             Software Suites and Integrated Software

 12.             Graphics and Multimedia Software

13.             Audio Not Playing 
HWT206_Graphics_Multimedia S
T2 Week 7

HWT207_Presentation_Graphics Q

Questions:-  explain or describe
10.             Presentation Graphics Software

11.             Unusual File Size You are using photo editing software to remove red eye from a photo. After successfully removing the red eye, you save the file and notice that the size of the file nearly has doubled. What might be causing this?

12.             Inaccessible Media
HWT207_Presentation_Graphics S
T2 Week 8

HWT208_Reference Software Q

Questions:-  explain or describe
13.             Software for School and Professional Use

14.             Educational and Reference Software

15.             Incorrect Login Credentials
HWT208_Reference Software S
T2 Week 9

HWT209_Learning Aids Q

Questions:-  explain or describe   
15.             Learning Aids and Support Tools

 16.             Dead Battery 
HWT209_Learning Aids S

Term Three

Term 3 Give Homework Tests Throughout the year About 2 test per term
T3 Week 1

HWT301_Bits_and_Bytes Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

1.             The System Unit

2.             Bits and Bytes

3.             Bits and Bytes calculations

HWT301_Bits_and_Bytes S
T3 Week 2

HWT302_CPU_and_Memory Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

3.             CPU and Processor

4.             Memory

5.             Problem Installing Custom Program

HWT302_CPU_and_Memory S
T3 Week 3

HWT303_Input_Keyboards Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

5.             Types of Input  (list at least 4)

6.             Keyboards

7.             Unresponsive Keyboard 

HWT303_Input_Keyboards S
T3 Week 4

HWT304_Input_Pointing_Devices Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

7.             Pointing Devices

8.             Audio and Video Input

9.             Touch Screen Problems

HWT304_Input_Pointing_Devices S
T3 Week 5

HWT305_Output_Devices Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

9.             Types of Output

10.             Output Devices

11. Monitor Not Working
HWT305_Output_Devices S
T3 Week 6

HWT306_Monitors_and_Printers Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

11.             Monitors

 12.             Printers

13.             Monitors Reversed

HWT306_Monitors_and_Printers S
T3 Week 7

HWT307_Storage_and_Drives Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

13.             Storage

14.             Floppy and Hard Disks

15.             Different Disk Capacity

HWT307_Storage_and_Drives S
T3 Week 8

HWT308_Other Storage Media Q

Questions:-  explain or describe


15.             Optical and Other Storage Media

16.            Moving Files between Computers

HWT308_Other Storage Media S

Term Four

Term 4 Give Homework Tests Throughout the year About 2 test per term
T4 Week 1

HWT401_Digital_Media Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

1.  What Is Digital Media?

 2. Digital Media Applications

HWT401_Digital_Media S
T4 Week 2

HWT402_Electronic_Books Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

3. Computer-Based Training

4. Electronic Books and References

5. Web-Based Training Difficulties

HWT402_Electronic_Books S
T4 Week 3

HWT403_Digital_Media_WWW Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

5. Entertainment and Edutainment

 6. Digital Media and the World Wide Web  7. Page Not Displayed
HWT403_Digital_Media_WWW S
T4 Week 4

HWT404_Web-Based_Training Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

7.Web-Based Training and Distance Learning

8. K-12 Educational Software Applications

9. Differences between Job Descriptions Your friend, who has taken some computer courses, is undecided about becoming a graphic designer/illustrator or a desktop publisher/compositor. She asks you to list two differences between the two occupations. How will you respond?


HWT404_Web-Based_Training S
T4 Week 5

HWT405_Computer_Viruses Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

1. Computer Security Risks

2. Computer Viruses

3. Suspicious Account Transactions
HWT405_Computer_Viruses S
T4 Week 6

HWT406_Viruses_Removal Q

Questions:-  explain or describe

3. Virus Detection and Removal

 4. Unauthorized Access and Use 

5. Theft (Software Piracy Phishing)


HWT406_Viruses_Removal S
T4 Week 7

HWT407_ Copyright_Laws Q

Questions:-  explain or describe   (pick any 2)

 7.             Copyright Laws

 8.             Internet Ethics

 9.             Educational Controls

 10.             Health Issues

 11.             Emerging Technologies


HWT407_ Copyright_Laws S
T4 Week 7 Test

HWT407_ Copyright_Laws Test

1. The Data Protection Act protects files on your CD Drive. 1 mark.
True or False?

2. The Data Protection Act 1998 was brought in to: 1 mark

  1. make it illegal to copy music from CD to a computer
  2. control the way personal data is stored and give rights to data subjects
  3. give rights to the government about gathering information
  4. prevent copying of disks from one computer to another
HWT407_ Copyright_Laws Test S


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LANTITE test papers






Applied Information Technology * AITStage1 * AITStage2 * AITStage3 * Cert II Business * Cert II Information Technology * Multimedia

Subjects * Art * Computing * English * Geography * Hass * History * Mathematics

Miscellaneous * Acronyms * Accreditation * ICT_Homework * Naplan * Lessons * Quizzes * Relief Lessons * Proverbs * Sayings * Simi lies

Exams & Tests * Student Survival Kit * Web quests * Worksheets * Home Page * Peters Site * Soccer



Email Peter Faulks


Page updated 6th May 2024


Page created 12 August 2010

© Peter J Faulks