How To






Applied Information Technology * AITStage1 * AITStage2 * AITStage3 * Cert II Business * Cert II Information Technology * Multimedia

Subjects * Art * Computing * English * Geography * Hass * History * Mathematics

Miscellaneous * Acronyms * Accreditation * ICT_Homework * Naplan * Lessons * Quizzes * Relief Lessons * Proverbs * Sayings * Simile

Exams & Tests * Student Survival Kit * Web quests * Worksheets * Home Page * Peters Site * Soccer



About these Worksheets and Web Quests

These worksheets are similar to Web Quests and have been created to use in class with some student involvement, most will require student input and some will lead on the more indepth Web Quests where students will further develop their research skills and knowledge



How to make a cover page for all your assignments WKS223 Using TabsWKS250 Commonly Confused Words

Use worksheets some supplemented by Web Quests

key Worksheets 100 = Computing, 200 = Word,

300 = Economics Misc 400 = Excel

(see also Web Quests)

Notes or Solutions
Computing Worksheets 100 series, worksheets start with WKS100 on
WKS100 Cover Page Set Up    
WKS101 AIT Virtual collaboration    
WKS102 ITC Technology Process

Using Inspiration create a diagram that covers the Technology Process for ICT

ICT AIT & Multimedia
WKS103 ITC Technology Process Template This is a worksheet where students create a poster of the Technology Process ICT AIT & Multimedia
WKS104 ITC Concepts Power Point Q This is a major task that can be use as a production task, it is a working document of student skills built up after lessons and worksheet exersizes. It should be used as an adjuct to a revision document that includes the student's physical production and research of most areas of ICT - The Power Point Master can be used as a teaching tool for ICT topics.

WKS104 ITC Concepts Power Point S

Concepts & Design Master (Powerpoint)

ICT, AIT & Multimedia

WKS105 Design Principles

Graphic design is the art of visual communication that involves the use of images, words, and ideas to give information to the viewers. Graphic design can be used for advertising, or just for entertainment intended for the mind.

Art, AIT, Cert II IT, Cert II Bus, & Multimedia
WKS106 Working with Images All images displayed on a computer screen or printed from a printer are created using a series of dots or pixels. Explains various digital types Art, AIT, Cert II IT, Cert II Bus, & Multimedia
WKS107 Computer Basics Quiz Q The Four Basic Functions of a Computer
WKS107 Computer Basics Quiz S
WKS108 Computer Input Devices The input components for a Computer WKS108 Computer Input Devices S
WKS109 Computer Output Devices The output components for a Computer WKS109 Computer Output Devices S
WKS110 Personal Computer Quiz Q Label parts of the computer WKS110 Personal Computer QuizS
WKS111 SYSTEM CONCEPTS Q Specifications for various computers WKS111 SYSTEM CONCEPTS S
WKS112 WP Software Quiz

Which of the following is not an input device?

WKS112 WP Software Quiz S
WKS113 Communication Quiz

Write a brief description of each of the following communication terms.

WKS113 Communication Quiz S
WKS114 Computer Terminology Quiz Write a brief description of each of the following computer terms Bytes, Bits, CPU WKS114 Computer Terminology Quiz S
WKS115 Navigation Worksheet

When planning to design a system or action we need to consider how we plan our movement. For instance if you are planning a web site how would you set about creating your site.

WKS116 Photographing Fruit

Students or teacher, Bring in a selection of fruit, a table cloth, and a bowl or alternative…(I have used pens and pencils)

WKS117 Capture Quality Images Insert image - What is meant by pixel resolution and how does this affect the resolution of the image?
WKS118 Venice Poster

Assume a client has hired you to take a digital picture to be used on the cover of their next book. However the pictures need to be corrected, post produce a brochure

WKS119 Computer Hardware Quiz

Input -- Input devices enable us to get information into a computer. Some
examples include (name at least 2)

WKS119 Computer Hardware Quiz S
WKS120 Metaphors Worksheet

Metaphor is a figure of speech that makes an implicit, implied, or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated, but which share some common characteristics. In other words, a resemblance of two contradictory or different objects is made based on a single or some common characteristics.

WKS120 Metaphors Worksheet S
WKS121 IT Revision Quiz

Revise and study= Copyright, Phishing, Pharming Digital Convergence, and lots more - useful as a study or revison guide

WKS121 IT Revision Quiz S
WKS122 Technology Quiz Q A person who is information literate can successfully A: find information B: use information or C: analyze information
WKS122 Technology Quiz S
WKS123 Digital Home HW Look at the types of digital technology that has been replaced in the home environment (give at least two items in three rooms  or you may use one room to record several items but give examples from at least two rooms)  
WKS124 Great Inventors Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents WKS124 Great InventorsS
WKS125 Audio Copyright Quiz Q Quiz - What does Copyright cover for audio items in Australia? WKS125 Audio Copyright Quiz S
WKS126 Copyright Quiz Q

what is/are

1             Copyright Laws

WKS126 Copyright Quiz S
Word based Worksheets 200 series, supplement with Word Tutorials
WKS200 Cover Page Set Up How to set up a cover page Students create folders for tasks and marking folders and students will create a web site (This takes up 4 lessons)  
WKS201 Class Files Set Up Set up folders and files for all assignments, create templates for essays, reports  
WKS202 Job Application

Use an advertisement from below; find a general position being offered. You may bring an advert from the local newspaper if you wish.

WKS203 Climate Correcting

Complete the following into the table (add rows as required) -  and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line. TEMPERATURE BELTS OR ZONES

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WKS204 Science Correcting

Complete the following into the table (add rows as required) -  and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line. Science & The Arts

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WKS205 Medical Correcting

Complete the following into the table (add rows as required) -  and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line Medical Terms
A disease affecting many persons at the same place and time

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WKS206 Using Nature a Srory

Complete the following into the table (add rows as required) -  and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line Words connected with nature

add corrected worksheet to STEAMER
WKS207 Word Golf Rules

Using the text below  paste into a new document into your word processing package and follow the instructions below: Parkwood Golf Club Local Rules

WKS207 Word Golf Rules S
WKS208 Literary Facts Complete the following into the table (add rows as required) -  and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line Literary : To remove the offensive portions of a book........... ................................................................ expurgate Make the document appear more professionally presented WKS208 Literary Facts S
WKS209 Expressions Complete the following into the table (add rows as required) -  and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line FIGURATIVE EXPRESSIONS AND THEIR EXPLANATIONS WKS209 Expressions S
WKS210 WP Quiz Ice Cream Word processing quiz,

1.Enter the following itinerary for a road tour of the Eastern States.
Set the information up in a table according to the following guidelines:

WKS210 WP Quiz Ice Cream S
WKS211 WP Quiz Tee Ball

The team manager of the Parkwood Giants Tee Ball team needs to issue a notice to parents in the team providing information about various rosters and a forthcoming social function.

WKS211 WP Quiz Tee Ball S
WKS212 Create a Letterhead

The next task Forrest Flower Shop, Bateman CouriersMurdoch Multimedia or Winthrop Events Management want you to produce a letterhead.

WKS213 Geographical Correcting Complete the following into the table (add rows as required) -  and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line SOME GEOGRAPHICAL FACTS WORTH REMEMBERING WKS213 Geographical Correcting S
WKS214 Applying for a profesional job

Use an advertisement from below; find a professional position being offered. You may bring an advert from the local newspaper if you wish.

WKS215 Create a Menu Tabs

Create a better looking menu using tabs or indents, (use at least one Left tab and one decimal tab) add some graphics, colour, balance and presentation skills for either or both of the following menus:- Put each menu on a separate page print them out and hand in for marking.

WKS215 Desktop Publishing Quiz
  1. In setting up a document using newspaper style columns, what are the advantages of adding graphics ?
WKS215 Desktop Publishing Quiz S
WKS216 Job Analysis

Collect three (3) positions advertised in the paper that might interest you.
Positions 1 Choose any
1. For each position advertised, answer the following:

    • Click on the New button to start a New document
    • Type the text as it appears below
    • Save the document with the name Simple Letter onto your student disk
    • What qualifications are required?
    • What experience requirements are listed?
    • When does the position become available?
WKS217 Write three letters
  1. Click on the New button to start a New document
  2. Type the text as it appears below
  3. Save the document with the name Simple Letter onto your student disk


WKS218 Pertaining to Government Correcting

clean up the list with a standard font in Arial or Times 12pt make the title bold.
Save your work

Government of the people, for the people and by the people            democracy

WKS219 Pertaining to People Correcting

Complete the following into the table (add rows as required) -  and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line, sort alphabetically NAMES BY WHICH PERSONS WITH CERTAIN CHARACTERISTICS ARE KNOWN WKS219 Pertaining to People Correcting S

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WKS220 Pertaining to Numbers Correcting Complete the following into the table (add rows as required) -  and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line WORDS   DENOTING   NUMBERS add corrected worksheet to STEAMER
WKS221 Pertaining to Church Correcting Complete the following into the table (add rows as required) -  and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line WORDS PERTAINING TO THE CHURCH add corrected worksheet to STEAMER
WKS222 Pertaining to Trades Correcting Complete the following into the table (add rows as required) -  and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line DENOTING   PROFESSIONS   OR   TRADES add corrected worksheet to STEAMER
WKS223 Using Tabs Tab settings are one way we can set text out in a structured format. Tab settings help to line up several rows of text at the same spot, which would otherwise be next to impossible just using the space bar. This is because characters take up varying space.  
WKS224 Using Mail Merge

The school needs to issue a notice to parents providing information about the ball. (Create a notice that includes the following menu in a professionally laid out format):-

WKS225 The Office Quiz
  1. Type your name in Arial 16 Bold
WKS225 The Office Quiz S
WKS226 Integrate Word Mail Excel Q Welcome to this months exciting new range of premium wines. We certainly hope that you and everyone else in the Anderson family enjoyed your last order; in fact, we hope that you will tell everyone in Highvale just how good ...

WKS226 Integrate Word Mail chart S

WKS226 Integrate Word Mail Excel S

WKS227 Acronyms for Education

Glossary of Mapping Terms Curriculum Terms Made Easy

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WKS228 Glossary of Education Terms

A Active Literacy: The integration of critical language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing into the daily curriculum in every class.

add corrected worksheet to STEAMER WKS228 Glossary of Education Terms S
WKS229 Drawing in Word Part 1

Using the drawing toolbox

WKS229 Drawing in Word Power Point
WKS230 Drawing in Word Faces

Drawing in Word or Power Point can be a more powerful aspect than you might

imagine, if you do noy have Corel, Adobe or a dedicataed drawing package then Word or Power Point is your answer
Text Box:
WKS231 Denoting Places

Complete the following into the table (add rows as required) -  and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line WORDS   DENOTING   PLACES

WKS231 Denoting Places S
WKS232 Small Words Big Find a better word Thrasonical................ boasting WKS232 Small Words Big
WKS233 Cover Page Essays

Set up a cover page for presentation of a university, school or college essay. Here is a selection of important tools you need to become familiar with in order to complete your work effectively.

WKS234 Cover Page Assignments

A Cover page  should be one page at the beginning of your submission with or without borders and include: Your name
The title i.e.  (Applied Information Technology)
Title of task/assignment (Task Number then Title)

WKS235 Cover Page Reports

First understand wether you are submitting an Essay or a Report An Essay requires:  Certain content  such as Introduction, Body and Conclusion along with references

WKS236 Cover Page Referencing

Referencing your work
Bibliographies Table of Contents, Footnotes

WKS237 Sample Essay

 “I declare that this is my own work and has not been submitted, in part or in whole, for any other unit”

WKS238 Adjectives and Nouns

Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and speaking much more specific, and a whole lot more interesting. Words like small, blue, and sharp are descriptive, and they are all examples of adjectives.

WKS238 Adjectives and Nouns S add corrected worksheet to STEAMER
WKS239 Phobias

Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents Correct the following Phobia list into a structured format.

WKS239 Phobias S add corrected worksheet to STEAMER
WKS240 Cover Page Set Up2 Simple and complex samples are appended to this document
WKS241 Kings and Queens Q Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents

WKS241 Kings and Queens S


WKS242 Certain Characteristics Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents

WKS242 Certain Characteristics S


WKS243 Pertaining to Marriage Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents

WKS243 Pertaining to Marriage S


WKS244 Pertaining to Death Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents

WKS244 Pertaining to Death S


WKS245 Pertaining to Nature Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents

WKS245 Pertaining to Nature S


WKS246 Opposites Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents

WKS246 Opposites Negatives S


WKS247 War Words Correcting Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents

WKS247 War Words Correcting S


WKS248 Create a daily Journal A journal, or periodical, is a publication which is produced on a continuing basis, for example weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually. Some journals are published irregularly  
WKS249 Gramar & Syntax Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents SC016_Grammar
WKS250 Commonly Confused Words Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents SC007_Commonly_confused_words
WKS251 Famous People Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents SC010_Famous
WKS252 Pertaining to Church Correcting Certificate II work Word or Excel modifying documents

WKS252 Pertaining to Church Correcting S


    For more see Student Compendium
Excel based Worksheets 300 series, supplement with Excel Tutorials
WKS300 Economics 3rd World Chain Gang

Teacher Note: Although this is a lesson from an Economics class that I taught use it here mainly for group cooperation, based on worl economies, 3rd to 1st world.
Teacher requires: 2 Packets of mini Smarties about 12 per bag (Local shop) Open and issue 1 Smartie box to each group. 4 Pr Scissors

WKS300 Economics 3rd World Chain Gang S
WKS400 Similies Q

Sort the list alphabetically then find a word and show te answer in the spreadsheet Copy the list below and conver the table to text   and change the font so that text will fit one sentence to a line.

WKS400 Similies S

WKS400 Similies.xls

WKS401 Proverbs

1. Sort the lines alphabetically (Copy into Excel and Data Sort)]

2. Make into two colums and change the font and font size to fit two even columns

WKS401 Proverbs S

WKS401 Proverbs

AIT Guide To Concepts PPT A guide to what needs to be investigated and presented  
MIS125 STEAMER Book of Knowledge A Student Compendium covering all school topics, The STEAMER Book of Knowledge Science, Technology, English, Art, Math, Environment, Religion - created during a Y9 Design Class where students worked on a document using text and graphics for a particular subject area, Use this for English Correction as a student companion book. Continuous worksheet related to exersizes below
ERG100 Ergonomics Explained   ERG100 Ergonomics Explained S
ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment ERG103 Ergonomics Quiz ERG101 Ergonomics Equipment S
ERG104 Ergonomics Poster   ERG104 Ergonomics Poster S
ERG105 Ergonomics Office Design    
ERG106 Ergonomics RSI   ERG106 Ergonomics RSI S
ERG107 Ergonomics User Frendly   ERG107 Ergonomics User Frendly S
ERG108 Ergonomics Quiz   ERG109 Ergonomics Quiz S
ERG110 Ergonomics Office   ERG110 Ergonomics Office S
ERG111 Anthropometrics Explained ERG111 Anthropometrics Q ERG111 Anthropometrics S
ERG112 Investigate Ergonomics    
ERG113 Revision Health and Safety    


Important tools

Here is a selection of important tools you need to become familiar with in order to complete your work effectively.

Documents in MS Word and MS Excel

Suitable For
Analogue v Digital.doc A worksheet on how Analogue works compared to Digital

Shows various computing career paths on a colour chart

Design Principles.doc Shows students the components of design and exlains their use in documents
Digital convergence.doc Digital convergence influences how society communicates, learns, works and plays. Student Exersize to learn about Digital Convergence
Digital Home HW.doc A homework for computing students on what has changed technically in their own home.
Digital images basics.doc Vector v's raster images and Student Exersizes
English and text grammar and syntax.doc A look at using correct grammar and syntax
Evaluation Individual.doc A self evaluation template for completion of a task
Glossary for Exams.xls A list of words commonly used in school exams
Glossary Technology Exams.xls A list of words commonly used Computing in school exams
Journals PJF Howto.doc How to create a student journal with samples
Lesson Plan Template.doc A Basic lesson plan template used in Applied Information Technology
State of a Village What the world would look like as a village
Storyboard Template.doc Graphics storyboard
Things to do chart.doc Simple template for planning tasks


A range of useful documents used to help in teaching, some computer based but many set up templates like lesson plans and marking grids.

I created quite a few lesson plans for those days when you have a lesson or have to take a relief class and no lessons are ready - these are called WHAT A RELIEF! For those lessons you have when you don't have a lesson this means WAR, a few samples are here

Look on the internet but here is good site for quick riddles (lots of ads though)

Just Riddles and More! - "Entertainment for your brain!"-  A FREE, fun collection of riddles, puzzles, games, illusions, quizzes, downloads and other activities to stimulate your brain!  Over 900 pages of fun for everyone! 


I also have some good student related movies that I carried with me (WARNING: I usually break all the rules by carrying mini chocolates like Crunchies or Maltesers with me which I give out as prizes - believe me when you give the first prize out the whole class want to answer questions!)

These movies are brilliant for relief classes - (I cannot put them on this site because it is a free site provided by my ISP with limited size)

You should download them (use Download Helper for Web)

I listed all the answers then stop the movie and asked the students "What did you see?"




web quest

Suitable For
WBQ100 Web Quest File Types Images AIT Cert 2 IT Multimedia gives exersizes on digital images WBQ100 Web Quest File Types Images S
WBQ101 Web Quest Design Principles The principles of design explains various element of design, colour, balance, proportion, dominance etc includes a quiz WBQ101 Web Quest Design Principles S
WBQ103 Web Quest Computer Bits What is a computer, explain the desktop, lable computer parts WBQ103 Web Quest Computer Bits S
WBQ104 Web Quest About the Internet Who started the Internet, how it works WBQ104 Web Quest About the Internet S
WBQ105 Web Quest All about Colour The use of color. A color that can evoke one reaction in one person may evoke the opposite reaction in another, exersizes in colour. WBQ105 Web Quest All about Colour S
WBQ106 Web Quest Audio Q Covers copyright and various audio files and their use WBQ106 Web Quest Audio S
WBQ107 Computer_Basics How to use a computer various connectors and components WBQ107 Computer_Basics update S
WBQ108 Web Quest Digital Convergence Difference between analog and digital, every type of media: photographs, sounds, music, books, movies, letters and newspapers can become digital WBQ108 Web Quest Digital Convergence S
WBQ109 Web Quest EMail about E-Mail, Newsgroups and Internet Netiquette  
WBQ110 Web quest intro to internet Explain the services provided by the Internet their advantages and disadvantages WBQ110 Web quest intro to internet S
WBQ111 Web Quest Introduction to terms Covers the main terms used in ITC, Intellectual property, what is a database etc. Advanced full term worksheet that requires students to research and present various computer related components and ICT terms WBQ111 Web Quest Introduction to terms S
WBQ112 Web Quest IT Search Quiz Internet search engines, meta search engine how to search  
WBQ113 Web Quest Label Computer Parts Lable computer parts and components  
WBQ114 Web Quest Networks Everything about networks (Advanced) WBQ114 Web Quest Networks S
WBQ115 Web Quest Photography Photography theory, shutter speeds megapixel qulaity WBQ115 Web Quest Photography S PJF
WBQ116 Web Quest The Internet 20 Question What is an ADSL,What does http stand for,What is an ISP WBQ116 Web Quest The Internet 20 Question S
WBQ117 Web Quest AIT3 Introduction to terms Covers the advanced terms used in IT, Intellectual property, what is a database etc WBQ117 Web Quest AIT3 Introduction to terms S


This is a collection of files I gave to my Year 12 Leavers

It is called The Student Survival Kit

English Survival
For Exams
For Fun






Power Point

Worksheets contain explanations and exercises on how to use software or equipment, in various software packages that you may use. These are help sheets that students can use at any time, or borrow for home use, they may contain exercises.
NOTE: worksheet exercises are not used for marking.
The following keys, and levels identify worksheets:

Code Software

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Fireworks
Adobe Flash
Adobe Sound Booth
Adobe Pen Tools
Corel Draw
Corel Rave
Digital Camera
Filemaker Pro
Microsoft Access
Macromedia Freehand
Microsoft Excel
Macromedia Fireworks
Microsoft Power Point
Microsoft Word Processing
Paint Shop Pro


Worksheet Levels -
111 (Introduction) , 211 (Intermediate) , 311 (Advanced) or 411 (Special)
MWP111 = Microsoft Word - Introductory Exercises
- extend through 112, 113, 114 etc.
MWP211 = Microsoft Word - Intermediate Exercises
- extend through 212, 213, 214 etc.
MWP311 = Microsoft Word - Advanced Exercises
- extend through 312, 313, 314 etc.
MWP411 = Special Exercises


Email Peter Faulks


Site Plan - Main Web Links
Student Compendium a list of useful information
List of the main pages see across for more details AIT Student Compendium Specific Subject Tutorial
Accreditation AITStage1 SC001_Abbreviations Access
Applied Information Technology AITStage2 SC002_Acronyms Adobe Pen
Certificate II in Business AITStage3 SC003_Animals Audacity
Certificate II in Technology   SC004_Adjectives Corel
Computing Units for the course SC004_Antonyms Digital _design
Digital _design Cert II Business SC005_Big_Words Dreamweaver
Exams 01Work effectively in a business environment SC006_Characteristics Evaluation - Evaluation forms
Geography 02Organize and complete daily work activities SC007_Church Excel
HASS Humanities 03Communicate in the workplace SC007_Commonly_confused_words Filemaker
History 04Work effectively with others SC008_Countries Flash
ICT_Homework 05Use business technology SC009_Diminutives Illustrator
Lessons 06Participate in workplace safety SC010_Famous In-design
Life skills 07Produce simple word processed documents SC011_Figurative_Expressions Inspiration
Mathematics 08Create and use simple spreadsheets SC012_Gender Pages
Miscellaneous 09Develop keyboard skills SC013_Geography Paintshop
Multimedia 10Operate a personal computer SC014_Gods Photoshop
Naplan - Tests & Exams 11Integrate commercial computing SC015_Government Powerpoint
Quizzes - hundreds of in class quizzes 12Design Organizational Documents using computer packages SC016_Grammar Programming
Relief - Relief lessons Units for the course SC017_Human_Relationships Soundbooth
Religion Cert II Information Technology SC018_Inventions Techprocess
Resources A list of teacher resource sites 01Operate A Personal Computer SC019_Kings_Queens Word
Scamper - A card game for all ages 02Follow workplace safety procedures SC020_Literary see individual pages for various lessons
Science 03 Design organisational documents using computing packages SC021_Marriage  
Site plan - you are here 04Operate computer hardware SC022_Medical  
Steamer - A student created reference book 05Operate computing packages SC023_Miscellaneous quizzes
Student_ Companion 06Integrate Commercial computing packages SC024_Nouns quizzes _cinema
Student _Compendium - A list of useful information 07Use computer operating system quizzes _entertainment
Subjects 08Work effectively in an IT environment SC026_Nature quizzes _famous_people
Student Survival Kit - how to survive after school 09Communicate in the workplace SC027_Negatives quizzes_ general_knowledge
Technology 10Connect Hardware Peripherals SC028_Numbers quizzes_ geography
index _tutorials - link to tutorials 11Maintenance of equipment and consumables SC029_Opposites quizzes _history
Web quests - student work with the internet 12Access and use the internet SC030_Patron Saints quizzes_ literary
Worksheets student worksheets lots of topics 13Work individually or as a Team Member SC031_Places quizzes _multi
  14Capture a digital image SC032_Possessive_Case quizzes_ music_tv
    SC033_Professions quizzes _quiz_night
Soccer Coaching Life Skills to help in a crisis SC034_Similes quizzes _science_nature
A free soccer coaching handbook life skills SC035_Proverbs quizzes _sport

250 soccer coaching grids with explanation for each grid, you can now download them individually or use the .zip folders,


The book covers:- attacking, defending, goal keeping, midfield play, shooting, passing, tackling and there are complete training sets for Junior, Youth and Girls, Men & Ladies teams and Semi-Professional teams with 20 weeks of training in each set.

life skills_away_from_home SC036_Science_and_Arts 01 Covid Quiz
life skills_core_life_skills SC037_Scientific_Terms  
life skills_living in a dorm Other Subjects (STEAM)
life skills_drugs SC039_Synonyms Art
life skills_first_aid SC040_War English
life skills_greeting SC041_Witty Quotes History
life skills_nice_thoughts SC042_Words_to_Verbs Geography
Warm Up Grids life skills_phone tips SC043_Other Society & Environment
Ball Skill Grids life skills_recipes SC044_Metaphors Mathematics
Match Practice Grids life skills_how to write a resume SC045_Phobias Engineering
Set Pieces life skills_stay safe SC046_Death Science
Coaching Tools life skills_travel SC047_Thesaurus  
Fun Grids life skills_life could be worse SC048_Sayings  
Game Grids lifeskills_its all about you SC049_UrbanMyths  
Email Soccer Coaching   SC050_Zodiac_signs  




© Peter J Faulks

Applied Information Technology * AITStage1 * AITStage2 * AITStage3 * Cert II Business * Cert II Information Technology * Multimedia

Subjects * Art * Computing * English * Geography * Hass * History * Mathematics

Miscellaneous * Acronyms * Accreditation * ICT_Homework * Naplan * Lessons * Quizzes * Relief Lessons * Proverbs * Sayings * Similies

Exams & Tests * Student Survival Kit * Webquests * Worksheets * Home Page * Peters Site * Soccer


Page last updated 19/3/2014